
Decision coming in fatal shooting by ICE agent

Prosecutors announced Wednesday that there will be no charges filed against the federal agent who shot and killed a black 20-year-old Detroit man in April.


Dozens of pieces of evidence were retrieved and six Michigan State Police forensic analyses were conducted, Worthy said.

In the house were Terrance Kellom, his father Kevin, his sister, his girlfriend, sister’s boyfriend and Kellom’s new girlfriend, Worthy said. He was wanted on armed robbery and weapons charges and was accused in a domestic violence dispute with an ex-girlfriend the day before he was killed.

Throughout the past year, a series of high-profile police shootings of black men across the United States have spurred a rash of protests and an ongoing national debate about the use of force by law enforcement.

“The blood spatter patterns confirm that Terrance Kellom continued to advance despite being shot already”, Worthy said. “Yes black lives matter, but you know what else matters, credible facts matter”.

Kellom’s father had said that the agent shot his unarmed son after he had surrendered. Quinn fired shots after he says Kellom fell through the second floor ceiling and came after him with a hammer.

Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy announced during a press conference Wednesday that after investigating the case, her office concluded that evidence supported Quinn’s version of events.

Quinn and other officers say Kellom dropped through a hole in the ceiling and advanced on officers with a hammer.

Worthy addressed the issue briefly during her press conference.

“It’s upsetting – that’s my son”, Kevin Kellom said of Worthy’s decision.

Officer Quinn’s attorney, David Griem, says he is confident about Wednesday’s decision being favorable of his client.

“I was hoping it wouldn’t go that way”, added Kellom, wearing a T-shirt that read “HANDS UP, NO HAMMER”.

Quinn was placed on administrative leave after the shooting and has returned to duty, ICE spokesman Khaalid Walls said.

The incident had sparked community anger and drawn the attention of some in the “Black Lives Matter” movement, but Worthy says this particular police shooting was justified.


Some protests in Detroit followed Kellom’s shooting, but they were small and peaceful compared to demonstrations that have taken place elsewhere.

ICE protests