
Deez Nuts showing up in presidential polls

Nuts gained more Internet attention than both Clinton and Trump heading into Friday evening.


On Friday, the rogue candidate announced via his Facebook page who he supports in the primary election – and Donald Trump did not make the cut.

Not surprisingly, Nuts remains his own choice for the general election, even if he’s well short of the minimum age requirement to become commander-in-chief.

“Just gonna throw this out there now”, wrote Deez Nuts on his Facebook page, Deez Nuts for President 2016.

Nuts is also known as Brady Olson, who is 15 and lives in Wallingford, Iowa. According to the Daily Beast, he filed with the FEC to run for president on July 26 (without giving his age).

According to a Public Policy Polling survey last week, Nuts had won 9 per cent of the vote as an independent in North Carolina on top of recent results of 8 per cent in Minnesota and 7 per cent in Iowa from previous polls. Interestingly, Mr. Nuts has said if he were not running he would be a supporter of Bernie Sanders. He also said Deez Nuts’ success in the polls shows a general disaffection with the politics-as-usual two-party system.


McMillan revealed that he would vote for Deez Nuts in an attempt to provoke change. He stated he completely agrees on me with social issues and even some on fiscal issues. “Not really“, he said. Endorsements from GOP governors have been rare so far in the race for the 2016 nomination, since the party has such a crowded field. Does the Sanders campaign welcome this endorsement? All good questions. I’ve reached out to the Sanders campaign for their comment on the endorsement but have yet to hear anything back.

Deez nuts