
Defense secretary calls for review of security policies

Carter directed the military branches Thursday to review security policies — including adding armed personnel — in the wake of the July 16 attacks at a Navy-Marine reserve center in Chattanooga that killed four Marines and a sailor. “So, this is recruiting stations, ROTC units and reserve centers”. The announcement followed a memo sent by Defense Secretary Ash Carter to military leaders earlier this week outlining his plan that would protect now serving transgender troops from being discharged and for each service to incorporate them into the ranks.


“The tragic shooting on July 16 in Chattanooga, Tennessee, illustrates the persevering with menace to (Department of Defense) personnel in the U.S. homeland posed by homegrown violent extremists”, he wrote, asking for a consolidated set of plans to evaluate by August. 21.

“Looking at arming personnel doesn’t mean that’s what the services will ultimately decide”, said Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, as quoted by The Associated Press. Police shot and killed Abdulazeez.

“This incident and the ongoing threat underscore the need for DoD to revise its force protection and security policies, programs, and procedures, particularly for off-installation DoD facilities”, Carter said.


“We are thrilled the Department of Defense will finally be taking the necessary steps to allow our transgender service members to serve openly and honestly”, said Broadway-Mack, as reported in the New York Times, which noted that the number of transgender people serving in the military is estimated to be over 15,000. “Our nation’s military Secretaries now have until August 21, 2015, to submit their specific policy recommendations to Secretary Carter”.

US Defense Secretary Ash Carter to advise senior leaders on military budget