
DeGale bout possible – Froch

If so, how do you fancy a fight between Froch and DeGale?


Yet the “Cobra”, writing in his column for Sky Sports, has chose to now scotch the speculation, by saying he remains retired, and his desire to fight is gone….for the moment.

“Would I bash up James DeGale?”

May 2014 saw Froch earn victory against George Groves in far from “easy” circumstances to bring the curtain down on his career, yet he still thinks he can be ready for another bout as soon as the spring.

“If he does the business [against Bute] it could actually whet my appetite and I could think to myself, ‘You know what?” I’m training every day. That fight took place 18-months ago, but Froch says he’s starting to feel that inner fire burn once again.

“I’ve been mentally preparing for this tournament just the same as any of my world title fights – I intend to win and as the Ambassador for partypoker I best not let the side down!”

“If I did decide to fight again it wouldn’t be to rectify a defeat and it wouldn’t be because I needed the money”.

“It’s the sport that I love and if someone was to ask am I tempted to come back for one big fight, I’d say of course I am”.

Froch has always been a confident boxer, yet taking on DeGale-a man nine years his junior-after so long away from the ring will be far from a walk in the park.

DeGale, 29 defends his title for the first time later this month against Canadian slugger Lucian Bute in Quebec. However, the Nottingham-born fighter has reopened the door for a meeting with the Olympic gold medallist, although he insists any fight would have to come before the end of 2016.

During his illustrious boxing career, Carl Froch won 33 out of his 35 fights, and since retiring has cashed in two poker tournaments, including winning a £1,250 buy-in 8 person event called “Beat The Boss” for £3,500 ($5,508).


The ball is now very much in DeGale’s court.

CarlFroch Groves punch 2014