
Delaware County Council approves grant to monitor Zika virus

Government health officials warned pregnant women Monday to avoid the Zika-stricken part of Miami and told couples who have been there recently to put off having children for at least two months, after the number of people feared infected through mosquito bites in the USA climbed to 14.


As of Wednesday, the Florida Department of Health reported 15 locally transmitted Zika infections in Miami-Dade and Broward counties: 13 in Miami-Dade and two in Broward.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a warning to pregnant women to not visit northern part of Miami where most of the cases were found.

There have been 13 cases in the US where babies have been born to a mother infected with the Zika virus contracted overseas, but Burwell said health officials expect more over time.

CDC Director Dr. Thomas Frieden said in a conference call that local mosquito control efforts have not worked as well as hoped, but so far, the outbreak does not appear to have traveled very far. “This case reminds us that anyone traveling to a Zika affected area should be aware of the risks”, said John Felton, President and CEO of RiverStone Health and the Yellowstone County Health Officer.

Since the Zika epidemic began in 2015, almost 5,000 cases of microcephaly have been recorded in affected regions. Zika can cause birth defects. “DNA or gene-based vaccines induce antibodies, but they also can activate the cell-mediated immune response, which ultimately could yield strong and durable protection against disease”.

Tucker did not seem concerned that the mosquito would travel northward because did not have the type of mosquito – aedis aegyptis – but did say that the mosquito had a “cousin” species of mosquito that was in the state. He worked in Dongguan, a manufacturing center in the Guangdong Province, according to a report released by China’s Department of Health.

In the last two weeks, 14 people – 12 men and 2 women – have been infected with Zika in two southern Florida counties.

More than 50 people across the United Kingdom have been treated for the infection, which is associated with a birth defect called microcephaly. No Aedes aegypti mosquitoes – the type known to spread Zika – have been found in IL.

Almost 5,000 babies with microcephaly have been recorded in affected regions since the Zika epidemic began in 2015. Risks may be greater for infected pregnant women, who have seen rising rates of birth defects in outbreak-affected areas.

“Because people are traveling to South America, the concern is they can bring that disease back”, Pavlovich said.

That money, Park said, is helping the state track and monitor the risk for mosquito-borne illnesses, including Zika, to be locally transmitted in Hawaii.

If they are found, the area would be sprayed, Rodriguez said.


As of last week, no locally acquired mosquito-borne cases have been reported in USA states, but there have been 1,657 travel-associated cases reported, the CDC states.

Mosquito Trap Bermuda August 3 2016 1