
Delaware officials report human case of West Nile Virus – FOX 29 News

“This new human case is a reminder that West Nile virus is still active in Delaware”, said Division of Public Health Director Dr.


Oklahoma usually has more of this type of mosquito during the middle or late summer when the weather is hotter and drier. While this is the first case that’s been reported in a couple of years, she says the virus has probably still been present in the First State.

West Nile Virus has landed in Delaware. West Nile virus activity in Washington varies from year to year.

In Ontario WNV has been found in birds, mosquitoes, horses, and humans.

Drain any standing water on your property, as standing water can produce mosquitoes. Mosquitoes prefer shallow water and tall vegetation.

– Check all window and door screens in your home to ensure that there are no tears or holes for mosquitoes to get through.

Avoiding mosquito bites is the best way to prevent infection.


The health department recommends people reduce their risk of getting West Nile by wearing bug spray containing DEET, wearing long shirts and sleeves and avoiding prime biting times from dusk to dawn. However, DPH says fewer than 20 percent of those infected with the virus develop West Nile fever, with mild symptoms including fever, headache, body aches, a skin rash on the chest or back and swollen lymph glands. Updated West Nile virus information, prevention tips, and testing information are available online. About 1 in 150 people who are infected can have very serious neurological illness, which on rare occasions can cause permanent neurological effects or be fatal.

West Nile virus active in Wash. after first detection found