
Delegates enthused by Donald Trump’s speech but not everyone is happy

Has there ever been such an alarmist presentation from a Presidential nominee at a convention?


In interviews on the convention floor, one party leader said he wondered “what [Trump’s] going to do” to overcome the Democratic candidate.

“But that’s OK”, Trump added.

While the unorthodox Trump has succeeded in getting unprecedented media attention, helping propel him to the nomination, he has lagged behind in fundraising and in building the type of state-level infrastructure typically seen in other presidential campaigns. “It’s Thursday night, it’s Donald Trump giving that speech, the balloons coming down and people saying, ‘I can see him in the White House'”. To overcome the parade of horribles who appeared at the podium on his behalf, Trump would have had to deliver a speech that was as epic and memorable as, say, a mashup of the Gettysburg Address, Churchill’s “We Shall Fight on the Beaches” speech, and Trump’s own rebuke of Gilbert Gottfried from season seven of “Celebrity Apprentice“.

In the run-up to this week’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland, we were bracing ourselves for a reprise of Chicago ’68.

“He’s going to talk some about [Clinton], and that’s fine”, said Portman.

Yet he also accused her of “terrible, bad crimes” and said her greatest achievement may have been avoiding prison for her use of a private email and personal server as secretary of state. “He is color blind and gender neutral”, she claimed, in a line that is clearly in direct opposition to the Trump many Americans have come to know over the past year-a man who wants to build a wall between America and Mexico, who wants to ban Muslims from entering the country, who has called women “pigs”.

FILE – U.S. Senator Rob Portman, R-Ohio. Christina Hagan, a state representative from OH, didn’t respond directly when asked by Newsweek whether she anxious Trump’s campaign would dampen support from women voters for down-ballot elections, like hers.

Clinton has yet to announce her running mate. I don’t want his endorsement.

Ahead of the convention, the Tampa Bay Times posted a picture of a sign outside the Trump campaign’s Florida headquarters that said the office was “temporarily closed” while staff work to prepare for the national convention. “My pledge reads, ‘I’m with you, the American people. And Trump doesn’t have those”. January 20 is the day the new US president will be inaugurated.

A few days ago, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus offered a vision of a turning point he figured would come last night in Cleveland. “This is a new era, and he’s showing us how to do it”. Trump has almost an 80 percent chance of taking the state’s 10 electoral votes, according to the respected FiveThirtyEight projections website.

“I’ve cringed watching some debates; I’ll be honest with you”, Jones says. “These are people who work hard but no longer have a voice”.


Trump also boasted of his TV ratings, his primary victories and other achievements, including winning over his wife, Melania, in a stream-of-consciousness delivery with his vice presidential nominee, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, standing quietly nearby.

Trump's Iraq nonsense: The GOP nominee previews the convention with some national security incoherence