
Democratic Candidates Take The Stage For Their First Debate Of 2016 Race

Then again, until eight years ago, Lincoln Chafee was a Republican. There were no Clintons on the panel. I’ve never a member of CGI.


“She’s in the same position, the unenviable position, of being the Democratic head candidate, but not the heart candidate”, Wallace said.

Genth said there should be anywhere from 25 to 35 people in attendance. And so, there’s a chance here in these debates to do what debates can do-to crack a process open, to bring people in. This is a serious debate.

A viewing party for Hillary Clinton supporters will be at McGeary’s in Albany. She needs to convince wary Democrats and independents that they should be excited about her campaign. She’s looking forward to hearing what the others have to say. And so, what they’ve got now are 15 candidates.

Vice President Joe Biden has been mulling a run for months, and is the wild card of the Democratic race. It’s all about the demographics game for Hillary and her surrogates use that to great advantage.

AMY GOODMAN: Bill Curry, your article suggests that it’s the previous losers of each party who are very much determining what happens with these debates-Romney and Hillary Clinton.

Clinton also knows the risky potential of debates.

“The debates will alter the race”, said Stephanie Cutter, a Democratic strategist and top staffer in the President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign. Candidates will take the stage to debate at 9:00 p.m. She was announcing her own decision to curtail the number of debates, to limit them to six.

Sanders noted Clinton’s the haphazard nature of Clinton’s campaign Sunday, saying that in contrast to Clinton, he has been consistent in his policy stances. In other words, all female candidates are not created equal. First, she insisted she did nothing wrong.

Clinton will be the literal centerpiece of the debate, and there in the middle of the stage, she’ll be everyone’s target when it comes time to answer questions about the TPP. Any criticism of her is scrutinized for the flimsiest possible excuse to claim that she’s being attacked for being a woman.

Finally, there’s the ghost hovering over the debate (and Clinton’s and Sanders’ poll numbers) – Vice President Joseph Biden. Instead, it’s whether she can change the focus from emails she sent and received over a private server as secretary of state to the policies she’s proposed to close the gap between rich Americans and everyone else. She favors abortion at any point during a pregnancy and has been “proud” to defend Planned Parenthood during its baby body parts for sale scandal.

Needing to make her mark before the 2008 Democratic primary in Nevada, Hillary Clinton opposed national gun registration. But he’s failed to catch fire, and could be throwing plenty of elbows against both Clinton and Sanders to score points.

Check back tonight for more news and analysis. “I’m a little surprised that someone would-someone who seeking the presidency would-cavalierly dismiss a trade agreement that they haven’t even had a chance to read it yet”, he told MSNBC last week.

Unlike Sanders, Clinton is wedded to pragmatism. And three of the five candidates on the stage are barely at 1 percent in the polls. His office said he will be watching from his residence in Washington. But in the rare moments when GOP candidates parted ways, for instance when criminal justice reform came up, pulses quickened, and the staid proceedings suddenly turned into a vibrant conversation about solutions to real problems. How come? I think it’s because people are so angry with the government.

As president, he would propose to spend $3.27 trillion by raising $3.4 trillion in new taxes. Obama has been accused of being a socialist, something that Bernie Sanders actually is. Apparently, a quarter of the nation’s Democrats are prepared to do so. He is an accomplished former mayor and governor who’s been plotting a presidential campaign, obviously, for a few time.

Clinton’s appearance indeed surprised the crowd, which had been speculating about who the special guest would be.

Yet the two-term governor of Maryland does have a few secrets.

He’s been live-streaming his day on the campaign trail and will be offering his reaction to the Democrats’ first faceoff on video.

Webb has vowed to “clean out the manure-filled stables of a political system that has become characterized by greed”. He is a conviction politician, but his convictions were forged in a liberal-left politics that predates the Ronald Reagan administration.

Refused to shake President George W. Bush’s hand for years because of the war in Iraq.

Is an Emmy-winning documentary producer.

Wrote numerous articles and book reviews.

Is a graduate of Georgetown Law School.


Quit the Democratic Party over President Carter’s amnesty for draft dodgers.

Democratic debate