
Democratic Convention: Day 1

U.S. Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., defended embattled Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz on Tuesday morning, saying she should not be held responsible for private emails of others in her organization. “We could use 5,000 more, starting with Hillary”.


Putting Bill Clinton on as a star turn on Tuesday will certainly not resonate with some Americans, who dislike Hillary Clinton precisely because she is the former president’s wife. It is perhaps in that spirit that he made his surprise visit to the NY delegation-where numerous delegates are elected officials who support Clinton, the hometown candidate.

The furore was a blow to a party keen on projecting stability in contrast to the volatility of Republican candidate Donald Trump, who was formally nominated at a raucous convention in Cleveland last week. Some of them spent the first couple of days in the city attending Sanders strategy sessions and rallies against Clinton.

He told the delegates the Democratic Party “has got to open its doors and welcome in young people and welcome in working people”. She will be the first woman nominated for president by a major USA political party. Hillary Clinton and Democratic officials can minimize the damage by stepping up their game and being transparent. “I was screaming ‘Obama, Obama, ‘ because I wanted a Democrat in the White House”.

The tide first turned in that direction, said several Louisiana delegates, when First Lady Michelle Obama reached her crescendo to declare: “Don’t let anyone ever tell you that this country is not great”.

“Believe it or not we are not all blind followers of Bernie”.

While asserting “our revolution continues”, Sanders argued that on issues of poverty, immigration, environmental protection and more, Clinton’s election counts.

Sanders’ delegates are often loosely affiliated and not well organized, making it hard to line them up behind the Democratic Party. Other planned to keep up the public displays of displeasure.

“I am begging the Bernie Sanders delegates”, said Landrieu. The Clinton campaign seems not to have understood that yet.

“Fifty percent of our country is men, where I’m doing very, very well”, he began in remarks Monday night in North Carolina.

(Noll) “I do not want him as president”. I don’t know what’s going on with the women here.

The roll call, when each state announces its delegate totals from the primary season, will affirm a nomination Clinton locked up weeks ago.

According to party rules, Sanders won’t be able to secure the nomination.

She recalled swallowing that bitter pill after a little-known freshman senator from Illinois – Barack Obama – derailed Clinton in the 2008 primary on his way to winning the White House.

Sanders suggested Tuesday he wouldn’t rush to make that gesture early, mindful that cutting off his restive voters could cause an outcry.

“I think at the end of the day everything will work out”, Schumer said in an interview with There’s a lot of convention left before Clinton accepts the nomination Thursday and then what is sure to be a gutter-dwelling, visceral general election between her and Trump.


The moment will not be without controversy: Philadelphia’s police union complained that Clinton was showcasing killings by police without giving equal time to the families of fallen officers. He’s had flashes of frustration this year, particularly when his own record on trade and law enforcement has been challenged by the party he once led, but has largely stuck to the campaign’s messages.

Democratic convention gets off to contentious start, calls for unity