
Democratic Convention Erupts As Sarah Silverman Calls Bernie Or Bust Ridiculous

Comedian Sarah Silverman had a blunt message to the vocal Hillary Clinton-haters at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia on Monday night.


Sarah Silverman said Democratic voters who still support Bernie Sanders are being “ridiculous”. “And a vital part of that movement is making absolutely sure that Hillary Clinton is our next president of the United States”.

“You’re being ridiculous”, Silverman, leaning over the podium, shot back at those in the audience who booed her speech at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia.

“And I have been feeling the Bern”, Silverman responded, before adding: “Relax, I put some cream on it”. “Or as a pretty kickass woman once said – it takes a village”, Silverman said, the first of numerous references to the common ground shared by Clinton and Sanders.

But to choose a racist, misogynistic, xenophobic bigot over Clinton is a bit over the top, don’t you think?

“Not only did Bernie wake us up, he made us understand what is possible and what we deserve”. For the first few hours, jilted Bernie Sanders supporters booed whenever Hillary Clinton’s name was mentioned, and even attempted to drown out some speeches with pro-Sanders chants.

Why was Silverman on stage at all, and especially paired with Franken, who has spent the last several years distancing himself from his comedy career in order to protect his political standing?

Silverman, speaking at her first convention, then introduced musician Paul Simon who sang “Bridge Over Troubled Waters”. Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton’s once-bitter rival, endorsed her with vigor.

Franken asked the crowd of delegates if they knew that “Trump University’s School of Ripping People Off is ranked second in the nation, right behind Bernie Madoff University?” “She’s like the only person ever to be overqualified for the job of president”.

Silverman tried to excuse her assertion by stating, “They told us to stretch”, and Franken tried to salvage the situation but the damage was done.


The good? While a lot of media coverage might suggest that every Sanders supporter is a hardcore “Never Hillary” voter with a Robin Hood hat and a sign covered in anti-capitalist slogans, the reality was less obvious.

Sarah Silverman chews out backers of Bernie Sanders after they would not stop chanting his name at the Democratic National Convention