
Democratic Leaders Say It’s Time For Party Unity

It’s becoming a rite of passage for many Republican presidential hopefuls – Donald Trump met in Manhattan with Henry Kissinger.


“I have concerns about a fundamental bias that comes from the fact that Secretary Clinton has such deep ties to the Democratic Party over such a long period of time”, he said.

Democrats are baffled as to why Sanders has been reluctant to speak out more forcefully against his supporters’ actions.

Hillary Clinton is 90 delegates away from securing the nomination (including superdelegates). However, once Clinton becomes the nominee, Sanders must work to ensure that his supporters don’t assume that the only option come November is to “stay home or support Trump”, Jackson added. “You know, I don’t want to go back to the ’68 convention, because I worry about what it does to the electorate as a whole – and he should, too”. But it also accused Nevada’s party leaders of using their power to “prevent a fair and transparent process from taking place”.

They’re anxious that as the primary process nears its end, Sanders may resist the graceful exit that Democrats expect of him and instead heed advisers and supporters pressing him to maintain the fight, perhaps all the way to the Democratic convention in Philadelphia in July. “At the end of the day, what is most important for our lives is to see that love always trumps hatred”, Sanders said. The cautionary note in the lead merely indicates the differing count of delegates Clinton has amassed over Sen.

The Nevada Democratic party issued a formal complaint on Tuesday in response to the conduct of Sanders supporters, in which it characterized the weekend’s events as “a very risky atmosphere that ended in chaos and physical threats to fellow Democrats”.

Sen. Bernie Sanders is under fire from Democratic Party leaders and elected officials who say he isn’t doing enough to quell violent behavior from his supporters that some fear could spill over into the party’s convention in July.

Some circulated a picture of the state party chairwoman, Roberta Lange, online with her cellphone number and encouraged others to complain.

The question here isn’t whether Sanders will eventually withdraw from the race. “Well, a lot has changed in the past year”, Sanders said. “We have told the network that we would accept the invitation with the understanding that we can reach mutual agreement on the debate moderators, the format and other details”, Jeff Weaver, Sanders’ campaign manager, said in a statement.


Trump and Clinton have strong unfavorable ratings. Trump rehashed old accusations against Bill Clinton during an interview Wednesday with Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity.

Supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders react during the Nevada Democratic Party’s 2016 State Convention Las Vegas May 14