
Democratic National Committee Chief to Step Down After Publication

Bernie Sanders says Debbie Wasserman Schultz made the right decision for the Democratic Party’s future by resigning as party chair.


Late Saturday night, news emerged that Wasserman Schultz would not preside over or speak at the DNC in Philadelphia this week.

The shake-up will boost tension on the floor today as disgruntled Sanders supporters demand more neutrality from the DNC when they vote to approve the party’s rules.

The controversy over Wasserman Schultz came as the party looks to project unity following last week’s often fractious Republican convention.

Overcoming the lingering resentment among Sanders supporters may become the task of the week. One email written May 5 to Luis Miranda, the national communications director for the DNC, from another party official suggests that the party could help Clinton by raising questions about Sanders’s faith.

Canova has repeatedly ripped Wasserman Schultz on social media because it is paying off: He said he’s raised about $100,000 in the 72 hours since the scandal erupted, all without leaving south Florida or picking up a phone to dial for dollars. Tim Kaine, was a disappointment and that he would have preferred Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and even Sen. “His political views are not my political views”. There was also an “Email!” sign, a shorthand attack on presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state. Ted Cruz delivered a primetime speech without endorsing businessman Donald Trump, who had defeated him for the party’s nomination.

At the Republican convention, Trump cast himself as the law-and-order candidate in a nation suffering under crime and hobbled by immigration, sticking to the gloom-and-doom theme.

It is safe to say that none of the conversation in Philadelphia on Monday was the message that Democrats want to project. “The party leadership must also always remain impartial in the presidential nominating process, something which did not occur in the 2016 race”.

“Everyone that supported Bernie Sanders knew already that the DNC was trying to finagle these things”, said Steck.

“I would imagine that Hillary Clinton and her campaign – my guess is they’re going to call for [an] ‘investigation, ‘ but the truth is they were benefiting from it all”, Mr. Priebus said on “Fox and Friends”. Dan O’Neal, 68, is a retired school teacher and delegate from Arizona, said Wasserman Schultz has to be censured.

“This could make several points difference with my peeps”.

Others said Sanders was simply pushing them to consider the long-term implications. Republican nominee Donald Trump is “a bully and demagogue”, he said, who must not win the White House. How the emails were stolen hasn’t been confirmed.

“I wouldn’t put anything past the Kremlin”, Schiff said, calling Trump “a dream candidate for Moscow” and describing the Russians as “very afraid of Hillary Clinton”. “But she is stubborn”, the Clinton ally said.

After the statement went public, the Democrats quickly announced that DNC vice chair Donna Brazile will serve as interim chairwoman through the election in November. Clinton has 2,814 when including superdelegates, according to an Associated Press count.


The publication of the emails comes just a weekend before the start of the Democratic convention, where a major objective for Clinton will be to unify the Democratic party by winning over Sanders’ voters. The state-by-state roll call is scheduled for Tuesday. And together with Hillary Clinton as our president – We.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz former chairperson of the Democratic National Committee