
DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION: Indiana mayor warns Pennsylvania delegates of Republican VP pick

“They said, all the people we compete with are already manufacturing in Mexico, and we’re just going to go there”.


There were plenty of Rally cries as Pence stood behind his faith and conservative platform.

There are so many things that are wrong with what happened to Washington Post reporter Jose DelReal when he tried to attend Donald Trump vp pick Mike Pence’s rally in Wisconsin.

Now, Trump hopes that his running mate, Pence, will prove to be a secret weapon when he comes to important swing state on Wednesday. He said to me, you know, look – he’s for free trade, I’m for free trade deals on a country by country basis.

Calley referred to Pence as the type of person who has a “north star” that remains centered on his Christian, conservative and Republican values.

In his address last week at the Republican National Convention, Pence framed the November presidential race as crucial to defining the makeup of the Supreme Court for the next 40 years. And the IN governor told a town hall rally Thursday, “I don’t apologize for it”.

Marjorie Hershey, a professor of political science at Indiana University, echoed the point that Pence may be most closely identified with social issues, but said she did think he could play a role in reaching out to the corporate world.

The Indiana Republican spoke for about 30 minutes Wednesday at the Waukesha County Expo Center. Pence said he believes Donald Trump is a leader who will grab Washington, the lapels and shake out the full potential of the American people.

“It’s very telling that the first place they’re sending Pence is a region they should already have locked up 100-ish days out”, said Wisconsin-based Democratic strategist Joe Zepecki.

Some who came out to hear Pence speak say Trump wasn’t their original choice, but Pence may be what the Republican ticket needed.


“We experienced first hand what Republican leadership can do – it’s so important to our future and to the Midwest”, Romney McDaniel said. I’m just trying to fill in holes in the road and create jobs and create opportunities.

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