
Democratic National Convention: Leaked emails, division in party cause trouble

“On behalf of everyone at the DNC, we want to offer a deep and honest apology to Senator Sanders, his supporters, and the entire Democratic Party for the inexcusable remarks made over email”, reads the statement, signed by incoming chair Donna Brazile and other top brass at the DNC.


When Sanders spoke Monday at the Pennsylvania Convention Center – ahead of his scheduled talk at the Wells Fargo Center – and urged supporters to back Clinton to defeat Donald Trump, the crowd responded with boos.

Regardless, while Jackson lost handily to Michael Dukakis, his campaign forced through a number of reforms at the DNC – and helped lead to the appointing of Jackson convention manager Ron Brown as DNC chair (the party’s first African American in that role).

“A compromise of this nature is something we take very seriously, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation will continue to investigate and hold accountable those who pose a threat in cyberspace”, it said.

Donald Trump is brushing off claims that Russian Federation is trying to help his campaign by leaking thousands of emails from the Democratic National Committee.

“I can see there’s a little bit of interest in my being here, and I can appreciate that interest”, Wasserman Schultz said as she ws escorted out. When Sanders took the stage as the night’s final speaker, he acknowledged that many of his supporters were disappointed.

The embarrassment caused by leaked emails not only cost Rep.

It wasn’t quickly clear how WikiLeaks got duplicates of the interior Democratic messages.

A cybersecurity firm they utilized discovered hints of no less than two refined hacking bunches on their system – both of which have binds to the Russian government. And whether it’s the Democratic National Committee email scandal or Clinton’s selection of pragmatic Virginia Senator Tim Kaine as her vice president, “I think the party is really missing a huge opportunity here to.go in a new direction that will include a much larger party”, Leinberger says, “including young voters, people just coming into the party and also independent people that haven’t felt part of the party”.

Clinton issued a statement to thank Wasserman Schultz and to state her friend “will continue to serve as a surrogate for my campaign nationally, in Florida, and in other key states”.

The party announced Monday it would kick off its four-day spectacle with speeches from some of its most popular figures. Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a progressive favorite, will deliver the convention keynote.

It was unclear whether the resignation Sunday of party chief Debbie Wasserman Schultz would be enough to unite the party behind Hillary Clinton.

Republicans relished Democrats’ pre-convention tumult, just days after they bumped and bumbled through their convention, unsuccessfully trying to paper over their own division. And so there shouldn’t be any major action on the convention floor by Sanders supporters similar that carried out by anti-Trump forces during the Republican National Convention last week in Cleveland.

Allen is the former deputy commander of U. S. Central Command and previously oversaw North Atlantic Treaty Organisation troops in Afghanistan. Others said they simply couldn’t support Clinton. She will formally accept the nomination on Thursday.

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will both be on hand to make their case for Clinton – potentially overshadowing the rest of the evening’s roster.


Well, amusing thing, it may surprise many people to realize that despite Bill Clinton being nicknamed “the first black President”, Al Gore actually got more black votes in 2000 than Clinton ever did.

DNC's Wasserman 'quarantined' as Wikileak fallout widens: Reports