
Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton brings a jobs plan to MI

Instead, in a speech that was just as much a rebuttal of Trump’s proposals as a look at her plans, Clinton spoke as a traditional Democrat, highlighting how government could help, from creating jobs and infrastructure programs and instituting paid family leave to making public colleges tuition free for the middle class and expanding Social Security. Bernie Sanders hung over Clinton’s economic vision.


“I oppose it now, I’ll oppose it after the election, and I’ll oppose it as President”, she said, while also noting that the USA should not cut itself off from the rest of the world.

Jeremy Bird, who ran field operations for Obama’s 2012 campaign and is now consulting for Clinton’s operation, said Trump has no one to blame but himself. The difference stems from a change in the time frame.

Therefore, we rate this claim as TRUE BUT MISLEADING. The campaign unveiled a new website,, that lists dozens of Republicans and independents who back Mrs Clinton, including former director of national intelligence John Negroponte.

“When you get those seats, you sort of know the campaign, so when she [Hillary Clinton] said, “Well we didn’t know”.They knew!”

“He certainly has at least shifted numerous headlines towards his economic plan, but a lot of attention continues, and likely will continue, to be paid to his temperament”, Dan Mahaffee, an analyst with the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress, told Xinhua. “We could provide a year’s worth of healthcare to almost 3 million kids”.

THE FACTS: Roberton Williams, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center, said this mostly checks out.

Secretary Clinton’s statistics were roughly accurate.

“The map favours us and, in a way, the dynamics right now favour us”, said Joel Benenson, Clinton’s senior strategist.

“They don’t trust Hillary Clinton”, said Republican pollster Neil Newhouse, part of the bipartisan team that conducted the focus groups.

In 2014, the Clintons reported $28.3 million in total income, deducted $5.1 million, and paid $9.9 million in total taxes, according to a tax return posted on the campaign’s website.

“She makes the speech, she turns off the teleprompter”. She added that the reduction in the corporate tax rate was simply a loophole for Trump to reduce his income tax. That includes business entities such as limited partnerships (LPs), limited liability corporations (LLCs) and S Corps. Experts often don’t include them when calculating federal income tax burdens.


Donald Trump offered a fatalistic assessment of his personal and political future on Thursday, saying he will not abandon the controversial style that fueled his ascent despite lagging poll numbers and a string of damaging controversies.

Hillary Clinton