
Democratic Presidential Race: New Hillary Clinton Ads Focus on Gun Control

“What I say to my Republican colleagues who reject the science, who refuse to work with us to aggressively transform our energy system: I say, worry less about your campaign contributions, worry more about your children and your grandchildren”, Sanders said.


Sanders’ campaign is putting $2 million behind their new ad in the early primary states of Iowa and New Hampshire over the next 10 days, according to news reports.

Trump clearly felt that it was a mistake, however, and he suggested Tuesday that unless the email controversy spirals out of control, Clinton will defeat Sanders for the Democratic nomination.

Tell me, really, what has Scott Walker done for you, Mr. Gullan?

The Monmouth University survey of 403 likely Democratic primary voters in New Hampshire was conducted between October 29 and November 1 and has a 4.9 percentage point margin of error.

Sanders, the Vermont senator and self-described Democratic socialist, was largely unknown on the national stage when he announced his presidential run in April.

Sanders said Obama should “absolutely” deny TransCanada’s permit for the Keystone XL pipeline ahead of the Paris talks as a show of resolve.

“Hillary Clinton’s hypocrisy on guns reinforces that she will do or say anything to get elected and that she is well outside the mainstream on the Second Amendment”, said Michael Short, a Republican National Committee spokesman.

Host Chris Hayes also asked about a recent study showing death rates of white, middle-aged men are rising at alarming rates-a trend that reflects a major theme of the Sanders campaign.

Later, while he was a congressman in 1995, Sanders stood up on the floor of the House of Representatives and defended homosexuals who served in the military.

View the Clinton ad here and below.

One Sanders supporter said, “We need to apply regulations and stuff to limit the amount of wealth that people can accumulate”.

Hillary Clinton has always held her own against her political enemies. This is just among Democratic voters.


Sanders said in an interview Tuesday with MSNBC that he supported expanding instant background checks and pointed to votes in the past to ban assault weapons. “When we started it, we basically screen-printed one pair with art materiel we had lying around, and thought it was amusing and maybe we’d sell a couple pairs.”Since then, I don’t know what the exact number is, but we’ve been getting lots of orders from around the country”. There’s much more things that the president can do now.

Bernie Sanders