
Democratic, Republican candidates campaign in Pennsylvania

Both Trump and Clinton have targeted Pennsylvania and its 20 Electoral College votes as vital in their quests to capture the White House. “She also is amassing the support of women and thus drowning out Trump’s marginal lead among men”.


“I’m an optimist, and I’m confident”, Clinton told the crowd of mostly unionized factory workers inside.

Calling her nomination a milestone, the 68-year-old Clinton said, “When any barrier falls in America, for anyone, it clears the way for everyone”.

The standard warning applies: This is one poll, in one state. The final Suffolk poll ahead of the 2010 election between Toomey and Democratic nominee Joe Sestak showed a 5-point advantage for the Pennsylvania Republican, who went on to win by 2 points. “At this point Clinton’s large lead in the Philadelphia area is offsetting losses to Trump in other parts of the state”.

And as for Millennials tried and true to Clinton and Trump? In Ohio: Trump 41.8%-Clinton 42.6%.

In a well-received Democratic convention speech, Muslim lawyer Khizr Khan said Trump has “sacrificed nothing and no one” for his country. “We have a country starving for something new, which is why the outsiders where so popular”.

Some can’t quite believe the race is so competitive. “He’s getting clobbered among women”. That’s because short-term movement in the polls often reverses itself – a candidate gets a bad news cycle, and she drops a couple of percentage points, but she recovers them once the news moves along to another subject. The poll has a credibility interval of four percentage points.

Suffolk polled 500 likely voters via live telephone interviews, and the margin of error was 4.4 points. Why are our models more pessimistic about Clinton’s chances?

Christina Morrison said she had the opportunity to meet Gary Johnson and became a fan.

Romney stated Clinton was viewed as inauthentic, and she was trying to act like her husband former President Bill Clinton.

“Don’t you want a president who knows how to battle and get things done for regular people?”

Trump’s comments about Khan came a day after he criticized retired four-star Gen. John Allen and slammed a Colorado Springs, Colorado, fire marshal for capping attendance at the event. “I’ve created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures”, Trump said.

Democrats mock that idea. “Clinton has a sizable lead among independents and is even peeling off a small slice of Republican voters”. “Georgia is going to be a battleground state; it’s just a question of when”, he said Wednesday at a luncheon hosted by The Wall Street Journal. I think he was serious. I think he could lose, I think he could lose by a landslide.

While Missouri has voted for the losing candidate in the past two presidential elections, the Show Me State voted for the victor in the twelve previous contests.

Indeed, Trump already has campaigned in Bangor, in the ME district Republicans might be able to win.

Though many felt the case warranted a different outcome, the poll found the Federal Bureau of Investigation to be the third-most trusted government institution (63%), with only the Armed Forces (93%) and the Post Office (87%) more trusted by Pennsylvanians.

Both conventions included efforts to soften voters’ views of them.

In a statement, the Republican presidential nominee’s campaign ridiculed Clinton’s swing through Pennsylvania, noting that the Johnstown region had lost a significant number of manufacturing jobs since the North American Free Trade Agreement took effect during Bill Clinton’s presidency. Trump disputed that Saturday, saying he’d given up a lot for his businesses. The Democratic convention featured a parade of individuals with stories about how Clinton had touched their lives. She said he represents that fresh start so many voters are craving.


Or at least less unacceptable than her rival is. “A voter can dislike her and find her at least acceptable”.

Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 9 points both in a 1-on-1 contest and when the field is expanded to include