
Democrats division, emails roil party on day 1 of convention

In a CNN/ORC poll last week, 55 percent of Americans said they have an unfavorable view of Clinton, while 59 percent said the same of Trump. He implored them to vote for Clinton, generating a chorus of boos. Clinton would formally accept the nomination on the last day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. Clinton is within just days of her long-held ambition to become the party’s official presidential nominee. About as many said they were undecided (39%), while the next most popular choice was Elizabeth Warren (10%).


“Brothers and sisters, this is the real world that we live in”, Sanders said as he tried to quiet the crowd. “I was just so saddened by it”, she said in a interview with her running mate, Sen.

Obama carried Virginia twice with the help of new groups of voters that included more college-educated professionals, single women and minorities – a coalition that Clinton and Kaine are also counting on to make it three straight for the Democrats in the state.

Their four-day affair began with drama on the convention floor, when anti-Trump delegates unsuccessfully sought to mount a last-ditch rebellion against Trump.

Trump appeared to relish the Democratic chaos on Sunday, writing on Twitter: “The Dems Convention is cracking up”.

Others plan to talk about the Clinton they know, a woman they describe as brilliant, warm and amusing.

Her approval ratings have fallen from a high of 65 percent in December 2012, when her tenure at the State Department drew to a close, to below 40 percent this month. It cited a recent study finding that “vice presidential candidates increased a ticket’s performance in their home state by 2.67 points on average from 1884-2012”.

There’s little question that the lengthy investigations into the 2012 attack on a US facility in Benghazi, Libya, and her use of a private email account and server as secretary of state have taken a toll her approval ratings.

The drawn-out primary campaign against Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders only served to reinforce other weaknesses, such as her ties to Wall Street and long history in politics.

“The emails, that’s probably the biggest (issue)”.

Susan Sarandon says she’s waiting to be persuaded to support Hillary Clinton before giving her vote.

Obama’s former senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer said the two conventions this year are less about first impressions and more about making a second introduction.

“Together, Clinton and Kaine will stand with working families who have come together in the broadest modern grassroots movement to raise wages and protect opportunities for people to join together in 21st-century unions; increase access to affordable care for our children and aging parents; and advance racial, immigrant and environmental justice for all communities across our country. Instead, I think she ought to be loud and clear that she isn’t going to do anything in particular to reciprocate any banker support”, Jeff Hauser, the director of the Revolving Door Project, told Politico.

The Clinton campaign never settled on what parts of her foreign policy record to tout.

“I personally know I have work to do on this front”.

While Sanders had endorsed Clinton previously, his remarks Monday marked his most vigorous and detailed praise of her qualifications for the presidency. “It is certainly true I have made mistakes”. On Sunday, I counted maybe 2 Clinton supporters for every 50 Berners; it is now the Democrats who seem to be frayed, and despite the efforts of the Sanders-Silverman alliance (anyone else want a buddy comedy out of this?) “falling in line” behind the former Secretary of State will take some time.

They argue that voters still don’t really know Clinton, despite her decades in public life and multiple autobiographies. “But for Clinton and Trump, because they’re so well-known, you’re re-framing the narrative because there’s not a lot of brand new information you will learn”.


But Sanders’ aides reached out to the Clinton campaign Monday afternoon to express concerns that the chairwoman’s ouster wouldn’t be enough to keep supporters from disrupting the convention, according to a Democratic official.

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Has Picked Tim Kaine as Her Running Mate