
Democrats poised to make history with Clinton nomination

It was South Dakota’s 15 votes that pushed Clinton past the 2,382-delegate threshold needed to win the nomination at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.


Diane Russell, a state lawmaker from Portland and a Bernie Sanders delegate, also spoke at Monday’s convention on her efforts to reform the party’s superdelegate system and a proposal to reduce the number of superdelegates by two-thirds – something that Cain said Tuesday she would support, adding that it would make the election process “more transparent and more effective moving forward”.

At the Democratic National Convention on Monday night, many loyal Bernie Sanders supporters were brought to tears as the Vermont senator threw his support behind presumptive Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton.

“Florida’s critical to Hillary, but there are many options, other ways she could become president without winning Florida”. This year, however, both Mrs. Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump faced a different scenario heading into their conventions in Philadelphia and Cleveland, respectively.

Clinton’s name was entered into nomination by Maryland Sen.

“At the end of the day”, Laesch told me, the marginal cell phone reception failing to hide the bitterness in his voice, “she has done nothing to unify this party”.

“Clinton can’t beat Trump”.

“I think it should have done enough to allay some fears”, said Florida delegate Joanne Goodwin, 68, who has been fighting for Clinton since 2008. Bernie Sanders’ primary challenge has unleashed supporters’ vitriol toward the party establishment that Sanders himself has been unable to rein in.

Clinton’s team may feel that that emphasis on her public service record, social progress, and inclusivity is one of her best bets to highlight differences with her opponent.

The tension is exquisite – for the sake of this party unity thing, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are required to do spectacular back-flips.

Trump cheered the disruption from the campaign trail.

In the past, critics attacked her for using her role as first lady to push for healthcare reform. But her deficit among non-college-educated white voters, about 30 points, isn’t much worse than President Obama and John Kerry did.

Clinton’s landmark achievement saturated the roll call with emotion and symbols of women’s long struggle to break through political barriers. He sparred with Black Lives Matters protesters who interrupted his campaign speech in Philadelphia in April and sparked outrage for dropping in for a private chat with Attorney General Loretta Lynch while her Justice Department was investigating his wife’s email server. “Period”, said MI delegate Melissa Arab, a Sanders supporter. A 102-year-old woman, born before women had the right to vote, cast the ballots for Arizona.

However, some of Bernie’s fans weren’t thrilled by this, as they booed any mention of the former First Lady, even after he asked them to support her, according to BBC.


Brent Littlefield, a political consultant for Poliquin, declined to comment Tuesday on either party’s convention or the presidential race. President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will speak Wednesday, along with Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, Clinton’s new running mate.

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