
Dems Say Jeb’s Out Of Touch On Medicare

I don’t know if retirees and seniors need to now ask Jeb bush for their bowl of porridge in his Dickensian world”, Fiesta says, “but calling him out is what we at the Alliance for Retired American and seniors will do for the rest of this campaign”.


Jeb Bush calls for Medicare phase out.

Democrats pounced on the “phase out” comment, saying Bush wants to gut the old age health insurance program that has been around for half a century.

“It’s clear that Jeb Bush doesn’t get it”, she said.

“The best way to get to the next form of – the next economy, fuel system – is to let markets decide this”, Bush said.

It’s not almost as inflammatory as one of the Donald’s Trumpisms, but Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush’s latest remarks, made at an New Hampshire event held Wednesday night (and funded by the Americans For Prosperity – a Koch Brothers-backed group) may be just as out of touch with reality.

He added that Bush is highly mistaken if he thinks phasing out Medicare will be a winning argument during the campaign for the GOP presidential nomination.

“I’m sick and exhausted of Republicans who say that the only way to save Medicare is to destroy it”, Wasserman Schultz sneered.

Ironically, at the New Hampshire event Bush leveled a criticism often hurled at Republicans. “I’m happy to take that bet”, he said.

“It took less than a day for me to be attacked for the very thing that I predicted would happen and that’s just ridiculous”.

Bush promised he would not seek to change benefits for people who already have them, and that pushing for reforms is the only way to save the system from crumbling under mountains of debt for future generations.

“If we do nothing that’s the burden we’re going to place on to your children and grandchildren that you’re concerned about and so am I”, he said.

While lawmakers in both chambers have acknowledged that Medicare needs to be reformed to help expand the program’s solvency, getting Republicans and Democrats to agree on the lightening-rod issue will likely be an uphill political battle.


In the end, Bush lightened the mood be referencing his mother, First Lady Barbara Bush.

Democrats and Republicans are trading potshots over perennial third rail of politics Medicare