
Dems win the Republican debate – on Twitter

The comments also appeared aimed at Rubio and two other freshman senators running for president, conservative Ted Cruz and Libertarian-leaning Rand Paul, who between them have sponsored just two bills that have become law, Bush noted. “When we put all the facts down, you’ll be able to see that it’s not true, it works out very well”. “The questions that have been asked so far in thisdebate illustrate why the American people don’t trust the media”, Mr. Cruz said.


Reporters from both conservative and liberal-minded news organizations seem to agree: the CNBC Republican presidential debate was kind of a trainwreck.

After recently edging out Donald Trump as the front-runner in the Republican presidential race, Ben Carson was not happy with how Wednesday night’s presidential debate went down.

“I don’t get it”, he said.

Carson said Thursday he thought Cruz’s criticism of the moderators drew attention to what numerous candidates on the stage saw as a problem.

“You look at the questions: Donald Trump, are you a comic book villain?” Gov. Mike Huckabee and Ohio Gov. John Kasich were at 1 percent.

Virtually everyone has lambasted CNBC for how poorly the moderators behaved, particularly John Harwood, who purposefully mischaracterized Marco Rubio’s tax plan in an attempt to trip him up onstage.

Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, received 26 percent of the support in the New York Times/ CBS News poll released on Tuesday morning.

Jeb Bush got destroyed on Twitter where 63 percent of his mentions were negative. Mr Bush agreed with an editorial in Fort Lauderdale’s Sun Sentinel, which said Mr Rubio should resign because he had missed too many votes in the Senate due to campaigning. “How about talking about the substantive issues people care about?”

The two debates will broadcast on the CNBC cable news network.

“Bush was the establishment candidate and he hurt himself”, O’Neil said.

“The men and women on this stage have more ideas, more experience, more common sense, than any participant in the Democratic debate”. If they’re looking for an entertainer-in-chief I’m probably not your guy.


Trump then told the crowd his poll numbers actually aren’t that bad and reminded them that he is leading his 14 GOP rivals – including New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie – in most national polls, as well as in other key states, like New Hampshire and South Carolina.

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