
Dengue fever cases in Hawaii top 100

The dengue fever outbreak in Hawaii is now being investigated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and officials from the federal bureau traveled to meet with local health authorities on Tuesday. The virus is not endemic in Hawaii but is sometimes brought in by infected travelers, which is how state health officials believe this outbreak started. The majority of the ill patients, 103, are local residents.


Dengue fever is not considered breaking news in many other parts of the world – there are more than 100 million cases reported annually, according to Time.

All of the deaths from the mosquito-borne disease have been reported in southern Taiwan, including 112 in Tainan, followed by 70 in Kaohsiung and two in Pingtung County.

For example, information about the distribution and density of the mosquitos is lacking, meaning whether there are a lot of them in a lot of places or a lot in one place.

Dengue does not occur naturally in the continental United States or in Hawaii, but it can be brought in by visitors. Dengue fever is nicknamed “bone fever”, and its symptoms often include severe joint and muscle pain and a high fever.


“HDOH continues to routinely monitor for cases of imported dengue infection on all islands and will continue to have Vector Control perform mosquito site assessments and abatement as needed”, reads the Hawaii Department of Health statement. It’s unlikely that people who are well would die of dengue fever, but children, the elderly, people with other medical problems, the malnourished, or those with HIV may be at special risk and want to avoid known risk areas for now. Some individuals develop a rash on their hands, arms, feet and legs three to four days after the fever begins. Though rare, and many rumors and untruths exist about the diseases that can be transmitted by mosquitoes, it is true that they can transmit a viral illness called Dengue Fever.

Taiwan records over 300 new dengue fever cases in one day