
Deputy UN envoy: North Korea may conduct nuclear tests in October

Now, as online news source Daily NK reports, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has ordered members of his Inminban neighbourhood units to search local homes in their area.


Students participate in a mass dance in front of a mural of the late North Korean leader Kim Illinois Sung delivering a speech, Monday, July 27, 2015, in Pyongyang, North Korea as part of celebrations for the 62nd anniversary of the armistice that ended the Korean War.

Kim, Seiler and Takizaki are scheduled to hold trilateral talks on Friday, according to a foreign ministry official, during which they will discuss cooperation on the North Korea issue.

North Korea’s leaders also stressed to veterans the need to encourage the country’s young people to assert the same devotion and fighting spirit as the generation that experienced the Korean War decades ago. “The past Korean Battle created the start of the downhill switch for the U.S., but the next Korean war will bring the final destroy”. He replaced General Hyon Yong Chol, who was executed for treason in April. North Korea executed at least 15 senior government officials so far this year.

Having surprised reporters with a media briefing at the North Korean Embassy in Beijing, Ambassador to China Ji Jae-ryong dismissed hopes that Pyongyang might follow Iran’s example by striking a nuclear deal with the United States.

United Nations: A North Korean ambassador said in New York on Tuesday that Pyongyang might launch a new missile test in October.

North Korea in 2009 walked out of six-nation talks aimed at convincing it to give up its nuclear program in exchange for badly needed aid and security guarantees.

The occasion came as a report by 38 North, a US research group, claimed the country was constructing a building at Yongbyon, its main nuclear complex, for assembling and storing highly explosive components of a nuclear weapon. Experts estimated that it has a dozen nuclear weapons, and it can build a miniaturize warhead for a Nodong and possibly other missiles.

Lowering the bar for the resumption of the six-party talks that involve the two Koreas, the U.S., China, Japan, and Russian Federation, Seoul has made the offer for the unconditional exploratory talks with the North. The North has rejected the overture.

There remain doubts that either engaging or pressuring the North Korean regime will result in Pyongyang giving up on their nuclear weapons program. And since the country was not bound by any worldwide conventions, it was free to do what it wanted, he said, adding he did not rule out another nuclear test on that occasion.


By no means should the agreement with Iran serve as a one-size-fits-all diplomatic remedy to the challenges posed by a nuclear North Korea.

Image North Koreans bow in front of bronze statues of the late leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il