
Derbyshire woman with Nigel Farage tattoo meets the UKIP leader

Ukip’s only MP will take centre stage at the party’s annual conference today after he stormed out of the gathering following a row with one of the party’s biggest donors.


Mr Farage then turned his attentions to Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who he earlier described in a Sky News interview as a “gift” for UKIP.

Mr Carswell is now a central part of a separate eurosceptic group, Business For Britain (BfB), which has refused to sign up to the overarching organisation.

Mr Banks, who gave Ukip £1million in the run up to the General Election told The Guardian: “Whoever Ukip decide to endorse, it will be hard for the Electoral commission to say no to that and Carswell will either have to leave or do the same …”

After it became clear that the MPs involved did not want to work with him, Banks approached Cummings and asked him to become the campaign director of Leave.EU, an offer Cummings declined.

The Ukip conference kicks off on the same day the British Chambers of Commerce announced the business vote on whether the United Kingdom remains a member of the EUis still “up for grabs”.

Despite an increase in vote share since the General Election campaign, the party had to cut conference ticket prices by 20 per cent after a “significantly lower” number of supporters showed interest in turning up.

In fact, For Britain is preparing for an out campaign after being unconvinced about David Cameron’s aims for renegotiation.

UKIP can be proud of the 4 million votes cast for it this year”.

Addressing a party in the northern English town of Doncaster, he said: “If this referendum was about whether Britain was to join the European Union, we would look at the crisis at the Mediterranean that has been so appallingly mishandled, we would look at the way through failed policy we have encouraged families and young men to go into the hands of criminal traffickers leading to so much misery”.

But when asked if Mr Carswell would accept his apology, he retorted: “I’m still waiting for mine”.

“We would look at the eurozone… we would look at the whole thing and say no, we are not going to join”.

Civil war engulfed the party yesterday after Mr Carswell said he would stick to backing Tory-backed anti-EU group For Britain instead of Leave.EU, which is being bankrolled by millionaire Mr Banks.

Although Leave.European Union has captured the headlines with its new umbrella group this week, the other Leave camp may find themselves in a stronger place by building their campaign behind the scenes and launching later this year.

“It will be hard, everyone knows that it will not be easy but we will throw the kitchen sink at it – we have got to get out and make the case on the economics, sovereignty and controlling our borders”.

But Mr Farage has caused ripples with his sobering message that his priority is winning the vote and that UKIP’s own electoral fortunes must play second fiddle during that time.

He added: “This is the moment to put country before party”.

A party spokesman said there had been “some concern” over the low numbers.


“We wish Nigel Farage and TheKnow/ Leave.European Union the best of luck in their endeavours”.

Did someone spike the punch at the Ukip conference