
Derek Wolfe throws haymaker in LoDo nightclub scuffle

The Broncos say they are aware of a video posted to TMZ that shows defensive end Derek Wolfe throwing a punch in a Denver night club. Wolfe is clearly one of the men throwing a punch and the National Football League can not be happy with a player who won the Super Bowl just a couple of months ago being involved in such an incident. Witnesses told TMZ Sports that a guy was trash talking No. 95 before pushing started.


“Derek talked to us on Monday about the issue (Saturday), and it’s been addressed internally”, a team spokesman said.

Following the incident, Wolfe’s agent told TMZ that his client “did not provoke the fight”.

Considering how Wolfe is 6-foot-5, 285 pounds and made headlines in the playoffs for saying that he would eat Tom Brady’s kids, he’s going to find himself in some hot water at the hands of NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell.


Wolfe, 26, was a second-round pick in 2012 and signed a four-year, $36.7 million contract extension in January. He missed the first four games last season for violating the NFL’s policy on performance-enhancing drugs.

Derek Wolfe