
Dershowitz: Cruz, Trump ‘Extreme’ in Views on Fighting Terrorism

Calling for the need for unpredictability, he added that regardless of whether he would be willing to use the controversial weapons he wants ISIS to “think maybe we would use them”.


“I would never want to use them but we have to be prepared and they have to be absolutely ideal”.

When Donald Trump says that Brussels is now “an absolute horror show”, he’s saying just what ISIS wants: not that they’re a radical group under intense bombing from America and allies, quickly losing strength and increasingly unpopular with potential recruits; but rather that they’re winning this war.

Asked if he plans to vote for Trump should he win the GOP nomination, Cruz says, “I don’t make a habit of supporting people who attack my wife and my family”.

The police chief, Anne Moise, who is not Muslim, said: “To me that’s racial profiling, which our country has been trying to get away from”. The fact is, we need unpredictability and when you ask a question like that, it’s a very sad thing to have to answer it because the enemy is watching and I have a very good chance of winning and I frankly don’t want the enemy to know how I’m thinking.

This is not the first time Trump’s words were used in ISIS propaganda efforts.

Minnesota’s Democratic representative Keith Ellison, on the other hand, said that as a Muslim he was offended by the Cruz’s comments.

United States presidential hopeful Donald Trump on Wednesday said Muslims were “absolutely not reporting” suspected attackers in an interview with British television following the Brussels attacks.

He said: ‘I do think it’s a different world today, and I don’t think we should be nation-building anymore. But at the same time, our country is disintegrating, large sections of it, especially the inner cities’.


In an interview, Cruz said law enforcement should secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized.

Cruz's comments after attack criticized by Muslims, others