
Despite Thunderbirds Crash, OC Air Show Is Still On

Meanwhile, a U.S. Air Force Thunderbird F-16 crashed in a field just outside Petersen Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, shortly after performing in a flyover at the nearby Air Force Academy graduation where President Obama was in attendance.


The pilot, Major Alex Turner, ejected safely and is in good condition, according to an Air Show press release. The plane likely won’t be removed from the crash site until today.

The Thunderbirds’ other upcoming shows are scheduled in New Mexico, Maryland and Utah.

The Thunderbirds were founded in 1953, taking their name from Native American folklore in the area of Luke Air Force Base in Arizona.

As of now, there has been no change to Thunderbirds’ scheduled show in Rhode Island on June 11-12 or to the OC Air Show on June 18-19.

Sadly, the crash occurred on the same day that a U.S. Navy Blue Angel Jet crashed during a practice flight tin Tennessee. He met with President Barack Obama, who spoke at the graduation ceremony, following the incident.

There are 1 comment on the Yahoo! story from Yesterday, titled One death as 2 United States elite fighter jets crash A Navy pilot has been…


The Blue Angels will not participate in their scheduled air show this weekend.

Thunderbird crashes following USAFA graduation