
Destiny Also Getting a Big Content Drop Tomorrow

Destiny has been starved for content since The Taken King launched back in September 2015.


The two issues above are what Bungie is now investigating, though the developer did not offer any time frame as to when we should expect them to be fixed.

The highly anticipated April Update for Destiny is finally rolling out across consoles.

TAKEN STRIKE: “WINTERS RUN” – A cell, from the Prison of Elders!

Guardians can also pimp out their look through a new group of faction armor sets and the Desolate set, a suit of Taken-ized gear if you think the starry look of Oryx’s monstrous slave-army is something you’d like to have. In addition, Bungie community manager Chris “Cozmo” Shannon noted today that all vendor weapons (not armor) will be re-rolled with new perks when the update goes live. A short clip featuring the Zen Meteor shows that the rifle can also somehow catch fire.

Some fan-favorite Year One weapons and armor are being upgraded to current gear stat levels. The Dynamite perk grants explosive rounds and the With a Laser Beam perk means the extra round from Dynamite will cause an even bigger explosion.

Meanwhile, Bungie and Sony have revealed the exclusive Destiny content coming to PlayStation 3 and 4 in the upcoming April update, reports IGN. First off, there are a ton of new armor sets, including Taken-inspired pieces of armor. I don’t get this one.

Today between 10AM and 12PM PST, Bungie will released Patch 2.2.0 for Destiny.


“Our model assumes a “Taken King-sized” expansion for “Destiny” in 2016″.

The Destiny April Update is Over 1.7 GB in Size