
Destiny: The Taken King PlayStation Exclusive Content Locked Down Until Fall 2017

The expectation had been that Bungie would unlock Taken King exclusives after 12 months, just as it had done for the PlayStation-only content in vanilla Destiny.


Destiny: Rise Of Iron is introducing a lot of new things to the game, a lot of new multiplayer content which you can read about here, and a lot of new single player content which you can read about here.

The move represents a change of sorts, as 2015’s release of Taken King did see the previous PlayStation content roll out on Xbox, a year after its initial release.

Bungie’s Destiny recently announced the Rise of Iron expansion, and with it, support for private Crucible matches as well as custom tournaments hosted by users featuring clans and teamplay is set to make its way to the popular MMO title.

Rise of Iron is out September 20 on PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. It’s also likely that this will be Destiny’s final expansion, as Bungie has also mentioned that most of their focus is now on the development of a sequel.

And, finally, now also lists “at least fall 2017”.

What’s disappointing about Destiny: The Taken King PlayStation exclusive content being delayed is that Destiny 2 will completely overshadow Destiny 1 until this content hits.


For more on Destiny, stay-tuned!

Destiny: Rise of Iron New Gameplay