
Deutsche Bank Says Nintendo’s Pokémon Go-Inspired Surge Has Run Its Course

The game has been a runaway success, boosting Nintendo’s market share by $17 billion in just over a week.


Contrary to popular belief, the Pokemon trend did not started with the anime series. It is, however, the most popular game of this type, generating upwards of 15 million downloads and a lot of attention on social media.

The market has priced-in a recovery for Nintendo in the console game market with its upcoming Nintendo NX and an expanded presence in mobile gaming, he said.

“Pokemon Go is an example of an augmented reality game that has captured the imagination of people across the world”, Sastry said. With that in mind, stay tuned to Game Rant for any and all news on Pokemon GO. This way you can open the game, raise the camera to look at the corner of your room for example, and see a pocket monster there.

While that might very well be the case, as Niantic released Pokemon Go in quite a few regions over the weekend, a hacking group has claimed to be the cause of servers being down. Unless you’re training your Pokemon to battle at a local gym, all you really need to know about that is that it uses your phone’s camera and GPS systems for interactive gameplay wherever you are. The player character walks the same path as the smartphone user. PokeStops drop free items like Poke Balls to catch Pokemon, and gyms are where players battle each other for “prestige”.

The group posted on their website, saying, “No one will be able to play this game till Pokemon Go contact us on our website to teach them how to protect it!” Hanke developed a company called Keyhole, which was subsequently acquired by Google to become Google Maps, and then he began a company called Niantic Labs where he developed Pokemon Go. He did not comment further on Pokemon GO.


Police warned players that the use of Global Positioning System technology for the game means users’ location is visible to others.

Pokemon GO Finally Arrives in Canada crashes app's servers