
Developed nations need to reduce emission vigorously: Javadekar

She said the EPA aims to remain engage with stakeholders and interest groups in ensuring that the outcome of the country’s INDC process is successful and represents its national interest and shared responsibility to deal with climate change and its attending impacts.


A-FAB, composed of Oxfam, Greenpeace, and the Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration, published on May 13 a policy brief presenting concrete recommendations on how Asean countries could develop more impactful INDCs.

The most important environmental meeting in history is on course to decisively confront climate change, as an “unstoppable and irreversible” momentum builds to “green the planet”, the United Nations climate change chief has told The Independent.

Asean countries should also include clear indicators on how to successfully implement the commitments they would include in their INDCs, Theseira added.

Addressing global dignitaries at a “Summit of Conscience for the Climate” in the French capital, Hollande called insisted that “an agreement must be found”.

But Ms Figueres is confident that these difficulties will be overcome.

Mr Higgins also suggested the world’s leaders should look to the example set after the Second World War while he also attacked the rampant consumerism in many countries. It is unstoppable, it is irreversible. The statement recognizes that human activity is responsible for climate change, and the organizations are urging governments to take immediate action if they are to avert the serious risks posed by the changing climate.

“That’s how the negotiations are going to move forward”.

All the major countries have agreed upon creating a local environment settlement after including “UN Framework Convention on Climate Change” of different parties in the coming December.

As various countries have started submitting their climate action plans prepared on the basis of their own capabilities ahead of Paris conference, developed countries are arguing that this sort of mechanism itself brings in differentiation.

However, since the Conservative win last March, support for renewable energy has been cut, resulting in heavy criticism towards the government.


A “zero-carbon world” is shorthand for a global economy that, on balance, is not adding any more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. “Hard work is required over the next few months by all countries to find credible ways of achieving bigger emissions reductions”.

President Michael D Higgins is one of four keynote speakers at the conference