
Did Hillary Clinton get the post convention bump as expected?

Even better news for the Democratic presidential candidate is that adults have a slightly more favorable view of her following both conventions.


McConnell isn’t going that far.

“If you look at that whole arc of American history, how many strong women have stood behind strong men leaders?” he said. Before the convention, two-thirds of Sanders supporters said they’d back Clinton. Meanwhile, last Thursday in Philadelphia, 33.3 million viewers saw Hillary Clinton give her historic speech, according to preliminary results.

“I’ve made a lot of sacrifices”.

A few Republicans spoke out: John Kasich, the OH governor who sought the GOP presidential nomination, said on Twitter, “There’s only one way to talk about Gold Star parents: with honor and respect”.

According to PPP’s new national poll, taken completely after both party’s conventions, Clinton emerged with a much more positive image than she had a month ago. She probably, maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say. On Monday, Clinton held a 2.2 percentage point lead over Trump in the RealClearPolitics average.

Trump maintains his advantage among whites without a college degree, while Clinton has an edge among whites with a degree.

“He got dealt a bad hand, being governor during the Republican-generated Great Recession and doing everything he could to try to help Ohioans get through that/”, Clinton said. Nine in 10 Clinton and Trump voters say their minds are made up about their candidate.

“‘Independent” is not synonymous with “moderate.’ Independents are pretty conservative; indeed, the ranks of self-describe Independents are filled with conservatives who could not stomach George W. Bush and/or Donald Trump”, Paul Begala, adviser to pro-Hillary Super PAC Priorities USA Action, told The Daily Caller.

Trump, who had no campaign events scheduled this weekend, released a statement late Saturday night calling Humayun Khan “a hero” but disputing his father’s characterization.

Last week, Trump called Allen a “failed general”, saying he hadn’t done so well in fighting IS. In that job, he worked to assemble a group of nations to counter Islamic State militants. At the same time 7% said wouldn’t vote, and 6% were undecided.


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is suggesting the US accept Russia’s annexation of Crimea if it would lead to better relations with Moscow and stronger cooperation in fighting Islamic State militants. “And that’s why when [Hillary] makes the speech, she doesn’t talk about radical Islam”, Trump said during an interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC News’ “This Week”. Remember the platform of change that Obama ran on? She also said jobs in public service, such as teachers, firefighters, police officers, social workers, would have student debt forgiveness.