
Did Hillary Clinton Plagiarize A Line In Her DNC Speech? Maybe

If Donald Trump wins, all the progressive change we have fought for will vanish. Typically, the GOP nominee approaches the task of commenting on a political rival’s oratory like a middle-school bully approaches the task of commenting on the teacher’s pet’s new braces. In a almost hour-long address that was heard by millions across the world, one of America’s most accomplished- but polarizing- public figures showed she will be no shrinking violet as she launched a blistering attack on her Republican rival Donald Trump, whose social media taunts characterize her as “Crooked Hillary”.


After the event, Trump made stops in Pennsylvania and was headed for OH, energized by a Los Angeles Times poll that showed him leading Clinton, 47%-40%.

In the video presentation, and on the podium throughout the week, we met everyday people with whom Clinton had connected either on the campaign trail or during her tenure as the USA senator from NY.

She later promised, “We’re going to help you balance family and work”, adding, “if fighting for affordable childcare and paid family leave is playing the ‘woman card, ‘ then deal me in”. Unsurprisingly, feminism was a motif peppered throughout her acceptance speech.

“How can there be pleasure in saying, ‘You’re fired.”‘

Maybe I’m nitpicking but I have to think that as the Clintons and their handlers prepared for this monumental speech, they anxious about every line.

My overriding impression from four days of the convention in Philadelphia is just how confident the Democrats are about this election. People on the Clinton campaign believe Trump is simply unelectable.

“You know, nothing truly prepares you for the demands of the Oval Office”. Note that she called him by his first name, while we know he insists that even his close advisers and campaign staff call him “Mr. Trump”.

One hundred and two days from now, Americans will go to the polls to choose between two candidates who would have been inconceivable for nearly all of the nation’s history, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump.

Trump wasn’t the only one to go after Clinton’s tone.

But conventions matter, Democratic pollster Peter Hart noted on a Wall Street Journal blog, declaring the tenor often foretells the ultimate outcome. Even after several convention speeches gutting Trump during the previous three nights, Clinton still carved out sharper slams against her opponent, especially when she focused on his “I alone can fix it” claims.


After a week which featured daily discord in the party, particularly between stolid Bernie Sanders supporters and others who felt disenfranchised, Democrats made another attempt at unity while also trying to contrast Donald Trump’s speech at the RNC, with the night’s anthem, “Stronger Together”. Trump’s Monday night attracted 23 million. Biden said Trump’s cynicism and lack of empathy are evident in his most famous phrase. She and her surrogates got the shot they wanted – over and over and over.

President Barack Obama walks with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Mexico in 2012