
Did Justice Ginsburg’s comments on Donald…

It is crucial for all judges, state and federal, to refrain from political conduct – none more so than Supreme Court justices.


US Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg has surprised fans and critics alike by publicly attacking Donald Trump, calling him a “faker”, but he fired back by calling for her resignation.

“I can’t imagine what this place would be-I can’t imagine what the country would be- with Donald Trump as our president”, she said. She has certainly not lost her mind. “I think it’s a disgrace to the court and I think she should apologize to the court”, he told the Times on Tuesday. He told The New York Times, “I think she should apologise to the court”. She should have thought more about the possibility that she and her fellow jurists on SCOTUS might actually have to once again determine who becomes president, as they had to do in 2000.

The Washington Post, which rarely goes easy on Trump, said in an editorial that while it may agree with what Ginsburg said about him, her candor was “inconsistent with her function in our democratic system”.

Ginsburg is the intellectual anchor of the Supreme Court’s liberal wing, regarded with the same reverence on the left as Justice Antonin Scalia was on the right.

“For her to come out and to say the kind of things there is nearly something wrong with her”.

Justice Ginsburg continued to batter Mr Trump in a third interview with CNN this week.

“For her to come out and to say the kind of things [she said], there’s nearly something wrong with her”, Trump said in an interview on Fox News Wednesday. Did anyone doubt before Ginsburg’s comments that she would be voting for Hillary Clinton?

“He really has an ego”, she said of Trump. Despite what Trump believes, Ginsburg has given no indication she’s getting out of the ring. President Richard M. Nixon would often discuss cases and legal matters with Chief Justice Warren Burger. “I don’t think anyone has ever seen that before”, Trump said.

“She didn’t earn the nickname “the Notorious RGB” for nothing”, said presidential spokesman Josh Earnest, referring to an online meme popular among liberals in which the elderly, diminutive justice is compared to late Brooklyn rap star Notorious BIG.

The White House, however, had only kind words for Ginsburg, an appointee of Bill Clinton.

It is highly unusual for a member of the top court to be so outspoken about a candidate for president just as the campaign is reaching a critical juncture.


They don’t call it the Supreme Court for nothing. If SCOTUS finds itself having to rule on an OH recount, will Ginsburg recuse herself?

Did Justice Ginsburg's comments on Donald…