
Did Matt Lauer go hard on Clinton and easy on Trump?

Maybe you’ll see a more respectful tone of questioning.


“You can find Aleppo on a map”, she said. “I have learned to be grateful not just for my blessings but also for my faults – and there are plenty”. While the candidates for the 2012 election were unpopular, the amount of people voting for a third-party candidate or staying undecided went down over time as Election Day neared.

In the Republican primaries, Trump’s opponents were repeatedly frustrated by his ability to dominate the news cycle with provocative comments and his failure to suffer any consequences for his words.

CLINTON: “Temperament and judgment, yes”.

In a Facebook post published on the page Humans of NY on Thursday, Clinton recounted taking a law school admissions test at Harvard University in 1969 and being harassed by male students.

The polls found that in a one-on-one matchup in Florida, Clinton and Trump are tied with 47% support each among likely voters.

“What would Ronald Reagan say about a Republican nominee who attacks American generals and heaps praise on the Russian president?” she said. “He’s under fire from the left today because Hillary Clinton didn’t do a good job answering those questions”, Noyes explained.

“By not adjudicating, the moderator leaves the viewing public with a “he said, she said” situation when the journalist picked to be onstage could say, decisively, who is right”, wrote Michael Calderone of The Huffington Post. Later this month the debates will continue, and voters will learn even more about all of the other ways Trump is not ready to be the president.

Liberal opposition research groups on Thursday circulated several interviews Trump conducted in 2003 that they say cast doubt on claims he always opposed the war. He said Clinton exposed “classified information to actors on her unsecured, I would say home brew, email server” and that it has “weakened the decision making” in Iraq, Syria and Libya and “turned those countries into a breeding ground for radical Islamic terror”. They didn’t want to talk to us about it, as is their usual response. “So we recognize the reality of the cycle that we are living in and that we have to put more effort in doing that”.

Trump will attend two GOP fundraisers before flying back to NY.

But when asked who is most likely to be elected president, 49% of the poll’s respondents gave the nod to the former secretary of state. Lauer’s NBC colleague, Lester Holt, is scheduled to moderate the first debate on September 26. A fundraising email sent out by the Clinton campaign on Thursday used Lauer’s failure to “fact-check Trump” to rally supporters.


Clinton’s speeches will focus on laying out what is in the new Clinton campaign book, which has become a bit of a prop for Clinton on the campaign trail.

Matt Lauer hosts the NBC News Commander-in Chief Forum