
Did the Paris Attacks Actually Give Donald Trump a Boost?

For months, Clinton has positioned herself as the one who “Obama turned to when he wanted a Secretary of State” and painted Republican candidate Trump as the one with a tin drum for foreign policy. The latest Bloomberg Politics national poll showed Trump with 24 percent of the support, with Carson trailing by only four points.


Any negative comments about Carson’s faith is “big for Utahns in the same way a lot of Utahns hoped (2012 GOP presidential nominee) Mitt Romney being LDS wouldn’t be an issue”, Cann said.

The good news in this is that if you’re someone who’s compared Trump to Hitler and been shouted down by the invocation of Godwin’s Law, pat yourself on the back because you’ve been vindicated.

For the moment, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush isn’t willing to cross that line.

Support for Clinton and Sanders rose over the past month, primarily because Vice President Biden, who was included in the previous poll as a possible candidate, decided not to enter the race.

These poll numbers do more than simply provide a snapshot of where the race stands with 10 weeks to go before the New Hampshire primary. It represents the first time the Connecticut-based pollster did a preference poll of registered Republican voters in Colorado.

If the goal of Mr Trump’s fellow Republican candidates was to prevent any daylight from appearing between their stance on Syrian refugees and that of the man they’re chasing in the polls, however, it was mission unaccomplished.

A University of MA survey released Monday shows a closer contest – but Donald Trump still manages to outpoll the fading Ben Carson by nine points.

“He’s very intelligent and that comes through in what he says and how he says it. He can relate to everyday people and he’s also become more knowledgeable on many subjects form the economy to National security”, Clayton said.

The first reference to a database for Muslims came in Trump’s interview with Yahoo News published earlier Thursday in which the billionaire real estate mogul did not reject the idea of requiring Muslims to register in a database or giving them special identification cards noting their religion.

Sean McDonough of Windham, N.H., a 49-year-old mortgage originator and father of three, is one of them.

“Wake up and smell the falafel”, said Mike Huckabee, who is calling for a ban on “all visas for travelers from countries with ISIS presence”. This year, the “outsider” candidates, like Mr. Trump, Mr. Cruz and Ben Carson, possess as much organizational, financial and personal strength as the establishment candidates, or maybe more.

The Post-ABC poll finds Republicans are more engaged in the upcoming year’s election than in the past. Rubio wants to sell himself as the most bad-ass (yet eloquent and thoughtful!) hawk in the field, but Trump’s bigfooting him in that role.

The next GOP debate, which will likely be a crucial one, will be hosted by CNN December 15th. The victor in that category is Trump, with 25 percent, followed by Rubio, 13 percent; Texas Sen. He had the highest personal favorability rating among those polled and he led others as the second-choice candidate of those polled.


Many conservatives eye Marco Rubio suspiciously on the issue thanks to his leadership of the 2013 comprehensive reform effort in the US Senate, for instance.

Utahns and Utah Republicans say Ben Carson is Their Top Presidential Pick