
Did Trump’s kids save the convention?

Trump said that her father taught her “the importance of strong values and a positive ethical compass”.


She will introduce him Thursday night at the Republican National Convention – perhaps her biggest stage yet.

Behind the scenes her impact is possibly more significant – serving as one of Trump’s key de facto advisers – telling her father to tone down his rhetoric and be more presidential.

“Billionaire executives don’t usually ask the people doing the work about the work”, Ivanka said, suggesting that her father not like other billionaire executives. And in 2014, her father – who graduated from Wharton in 1968 – told PEOPLE Magazine that she “got all A’s at Penn, so we’re proud of her”.

Donald Trump Jr. shared stories of growing up with his dad on job sites and in the office; Tiffany Trump offered anecdotes about the personal notes he wrote on her report cards and Eric Trump shared his pride in being a Trump. But she is also her father’s not-so-secret weapon, one who steps into the breach at the most crucial moments.

“We don’t know whether she’s got this part yet”, he added, gesturing toward his chest, “but time will tell…” “And that’s how he approaches any task that he undertakes”. Trump, Two was uniquely positioned for this honor-unlike his siblings, Eric and Ivanka, who neglected to change their voter affiliation in time to vote in New York’s closed Republican primary, he actually cast a primary ballot for his father.

Her remarks came just minutes before her father is set to deliver his acceptance speech for the Republican presidential nomination. The Trump camp is still scrambling to determine who is to blame and whether anyone will admit to plagiarism or not. Fifteen minutes after Pence was picked as Trump’s running mate, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta was calling the IN governor “the most extreme pick IN a generation” and someone who had “threatened women’s privacy and limited their choice” by signing one of the nation’s most restrictive anti-abortion laws.

But Ivanka, 34, has street cred where her father struggles – with women.

“Ivanka is a terrific person, a wonderful mother and someone everyone has great respect for”.

“At our family’s company, there are more female than male executives”, she said as the crowd cheered.

“Middle-income Americans and businesses will experience profound relief, and taxes will be greatly simplified for everyone”, he will say according to the excerpts released by the campaign.

Tiffany is the only child of Trump and his ex-wife, television actress Marla Maples.

Eric Trump followed in his father’s footsteps, and works in real estate as the Vice President of acquisition at Trump Organization.


That same family-driven model has extended to politics. On July 2nd, Trump tweeted a picture of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s face superimposed over stacks of $100 bills, with a six-pointed star symbol next to it that bore the words ‘Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!’

Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka Trump at the third day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland