
Diesel prices cut to less than £1 a litre

Asda, which has 277 filling stations, says it was the first to cut the price of petrol to below £1 a litre in November.


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Morrisons marked down diesel to below £1 on Sunday afternoon for the first time in six years.

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A number of other chains followed suit, and since then, petrol has been available for less than £1 on most days. “This reduction will mean millions of customers save money by shopping at Tesco”.

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The price reflects further recent falls in the oil price, which is around its lowest for 11 years. “We hope that this will help motorists to balance their budgets in the quieter period after Christmas and the New Year”.

Petrol fell below £1 a litre in places before Christmas.

The RAC said the price cut was good news for drivers, particularly after the expense of the festive season, but it was long overdue.

Diesel drivers filling up at one of the big three supermarkets will now pay £20 less to fill up a 50 litre fuel tank compared with the high point reached in 2012.

Both fuels are now below £1/litre at Tesco and Asda, with Morrisons also set to drop prices today.

The oil industry argues that once refinery costs, distribution and retailers’ profits are factored in this leaves just a small percentage of profit for producing the commodity.

The RAC pointed out that while more vehicles use petrol than diesel, as the majority of private cars use petrol, more miles are driven using petrol thanks to hauliers and public transport using diesel.


British motorists have been paying the most expensive diesel in Europe for a number of years now.

Morrisons is leading the way in a diesel price drop