
Dionne: Trump’s proposed Muslim ban a slippery slope

American Muslim women hold more college or postgraduate degrees than Muslim men. Our concern and our fear is that Trump, wittingly or unwittingly, or with callous indifference, is playing into the hands of terrorists whose very existence and success is a function of convincing the naive and the criminal types that the US and other Western countries are at war with Islam and Muslim itself and not only with groups that are classified as terrorist.


In a speech before his supporters on Monday, Mr Donald Trump, the leading United States Republican presidential candidate, shocked the world when he proposed that the USA should ban all Muslims from entering the country until American leaders “can figure out what is going on”.

It’s difficult to come by hard numbers because the U.S. Census doesn’t collect religious data. They want people here illegally to be sent back, the borders secured and a moratorium imposed on Muslim immigration until we fix the broken system.

More than four in 10 Americans – 44% – believe an attack is “very” likely to happen in the next few months.

Muslims now make up approximately 0.9% of the USA adult population, or 1.8 million Muslim adults.

In some countries of the Muslim world, Americans who embrace “Hollywood values” regarding abortion, adultery and homosexuality can get their heads chopped off as quickly as converts to Christianity.

They’re as religious as Christians… Even in Iraq and Afghanistan, where thousands of American lives were lost to bring them free elections, Islam is declared in their constitutions to be the official religion of the state.

Trump’s mistake was to say “all” Muslims.

I have personally gotten the pleasure to know many Muslim students on our campus.

There have been Muslims involved in terrorism…


Islam’s spectacular birthrates, the relative youth of Muslims and the increase in Muslim immigration into the United States combine to account for its accelerated growth rate in the U.S. Contrast that with the deaths from other mass shootings just last year: 136 – more than twice as many as all the deaths from 13 years of Muslim-American terrorism. But it is central to the ideology of most of today’s militant groups, who have killed far more Muslims than non-Muslims.

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