
‘Disgusting:’ Duckworth speaks out on Trump and the Purple Heart

Ret. Vice Admiral Kevin Green said Trump acted like he was “handed a popsicle” and that he had no real understanding what it’s really about.


It might’ve been a touching story, until Trump followed up with another aside. “This was much easier”.

That comment didn’t sit well with some Tri-State wounded at Cincinnati’s Purple Heart Day on Fountain Square.

“Maybe Donald Trump would like to read my son’s autopsy report to know exactly what happened to him to earn his Purple Heart”, Loudon said. “And yeah, I was lucky in two ways”. “So numerous greatest people I know have served”. “I got a very, very high draft number”.

I couldn’t imagine anyone who had ever served ever actually wanting to be awarded the Purple Heart. And we’ve had just a tremendous relationship with the vets.

According to the Army, the Purple Heart is awarded to American service members who are wounded or killed in action or die of wounds caused by enemy combatants. “As Khizr Khan poignantly argued, Donald Trump has not sacrificed for this country and he does not understand duty to any cause other than himself”. Tammy Duckworth, a Democrat running for Senate and a Purple Heart recipient, posted a picture on Twitter of herself in the hospital with her medal attached to her gown.

The latest dust-up comes as Trump deals with the fall-out over comments he made about the parents of Capt. Humayun Khan, a US soldier who was Muslim and was killed in Iraq in 2004. The Khans have blasted Trump, starting with a speech by Khizr Khan at the Democratic National Convention.

Add a fresh controversy (or non-troversy, depending on one’s point-of-view) about a recent comment Trump made regarding his receipt of a Purple Heart from a grateful fan.

In addition, a spokesperson for Paul Ryan, the speaker of the House of Representatives, has slammed Trump’s rhetoric about Muslims.

That didn’t go both ways. His first was a medical disqualification for bone spurs in his feet, an ailment Trump biographer Wayne Barrett told the Daily News was “bulls–“.


The unconventional Trump also showed he’s not a typical, baby-kissing politician.

Credit John Wilcox        Elizabeth Warren