
Disney CEO on “Star Wars”: “We struck more than gold”

– The galaxy far, far away is spawning Star Wars madness around the Bay Area Thursday morning.


It’s safe to assume just from the title of this post that you will be running into spoilers from Star Wars: The Force Awakens by reading the rest of this post!

Click through the gallery above to look back at some of the previous “Star Wars” opening days at theaters across New Jersey. “We just wanted this thing to not feel like it was not inclusive”. Enormous crowds are expected to flock to the nation’s theaters, the kind that hasn’t been seen since – well, since the last time a “Star Wars” trilogy kicked off, in 1999.

Not only are movie lovers pumped up as Star Wars: The Force Awakens will hit the theaters tomorrow after a decade, but Disney shareholders are also very excited and banking on this movie. I mean, he just said “Faster” and “More intense”.

Speaking at the European premiere of The Force Awakens, Ford said he wants nothing to do with the “young Han Solo” origins film which was announced in the summer. “But that is not something, due to the events of past films, that happens in this one”. This joining has brought together lifelong fans along with a new generation of adults and kids who want a taste of the whizzing and blasting galactic action.

Stagg said his family bought tickets to the movie as soon as they went on sale and arrived at the theater at about 3 p.m. Thursday to wait for the premiere showing at Forum 8.

Among the activities were a dance-off between Star Wars characters, a lightsaber performing contest, Nerfgun battle, Droid race and a Playstation 4 booth showcasing the latest Star Wars: Battlefront game. In dollar terms, however, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” may be a victor since the movie in showing mostly in 3D and some cinemas in France have boosted advance ticket prices way above the regular average of 7.5 Euros for 3D pics.


“I saw it with other people in the press”.

What's the verdict on JJ Abrams first foray into the Star Wars universe? It's looking good so far