
Disney Gator Attack: Criminal Charges Against Parents Unlikely

“Deepest condolences to the Graves family”, The Orange County Sheriff’s office tweeted Wednesday. “Thoughts and prayers are with you during this hard time”.


It’s said the Orange County Sheriff’s dive team recovered the youngster’s lifeless body completely intact.

On Wednesday, a Disney official revealed that the company plans on reviewing its alligator warning signage following the death of a two-year-old boy who was attacked and dragged into a lagoon by an alligator. Mr Williamson said more personnel would be brought in on Wednesday to offer some “fresh eyes” for the search. They wish someone had given that family a warning, too.

Matt Graves is chief data officer for Infogroup, a marketing company based in Papillion, Nebraska.

Demings said the Graves were distraught yet relieved that this was not a protracted search.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said Disney removes alligators from the water routinely. “So the parents diligently tried to get the child”. It feeds into a series of canals that wind through the entire Disney property. He was taken under the water around 9:30 p.m. Tuesday, according to police. A Disney spokeswoman did not immediately return a message seeking comment.

The incident, which prompted Disney temporarily to close the resort’s beaches, came ahead of Thursday’s opening of the company’s first theme park in China, a $5.5 billion project in Shanghai that boasts Disney’s tallest castle. Disney will look into all issues concerning the signage, Wiley said.

Demings said it appeared the gator drowned the child and left the body near the spot where he was last seen.

Matt sustained minor cuts to his arm during the struggle. However, they don’t know for sure whether the alligator that attacked Lane was among them. The Nebraska family of four was on vacation at a Disney World resort.

The lagoon is not for recreational swimming.

The little boy and his father were playing near the water on Tuesday evening when the alligator came out of nowhere, snatching up the toddler. Neither could a nearby lifeguard, officials said.

Now, hundreds of social media users have slamming Disney’s sign policy, with some urging the parents of Lane to sue and others questioning whether a “no swimming” sign is enough. “For example, maybe people have been feeding that alligator”. He said he thought a path around part of the lagoon should have been fenced off.

“I was wondering why it’s not fenced off”, Bachon said.

“Everyone here at the Walt Disney Resort is devastated by this tragic accident”, said Jacquee Wahler, a vice president at Walt Disney World Resort.

“As a parent and a grandparent, my heart goes out to the Graves family during this time of devastating loss”.

The alligator was believed to be between 4 and 7 feet (1.2 and 2 meters) long. “When that happens it’s usually because that animal has become accustomed to people, ” he said.

When a gator bites down, his jaws snap closed with thousands of pounds of force, Corwin said. Alligators hunt food from just before sundown to sunrise, so they are very active around dusk. That person survived the attack, but required medical care. Marchetti said the show is to help educate the public, which helps both natives and tourists learn to respect the animals and stay safe. That number has been holding steady for the past five years, he said. That includes several children.


A photo of Lane Graves has been released to the public.

Sheriff Department