
Disunity rules as Democratic convention gets underway

Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia Monday night. But despite the “Bernie or Bust” contingent, a new report shows that 90% of Democratic voters that have consistently supported Sanders now back Hillary Clinton in the general election against the republican candidate, Donald Trump.


Shultz was forced to resign after the website Wikiileaks published emails apparently showing top DNC officials plotting against Sanders during the primary. They wanted to figure out how to react to the controversy over leaked DNC emails that’s led to the resignation of the Party Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the cancellation of her appearance at the podium on Day One of the convention.

Sanders sent text messages to his delegate supporters ahead of Monday night’s speeches urging them not to protest on the convention floor.

“We will take everything under advisement, including from Bernie Sanders, but we are totally independent of the Sanders campaign”, Solomon said.

Sanders had called on his flock to get behind Clinton twice on Monday before his primetime endorsement speech.

Sanders’ fans protested outside the venue and inside.

He described Trump as divisive and said Clinton was the better choice for president.

ME state Rep. Diane Russell – a Sanders supporter – told delegates they should take comfort in rule changes that diminish the impact of superdelegates in the primaries, which gave Clinton a huge edge throughout the primaries.

Many Sanders supporters have even suggested they would rather back Mr Trump than Mrs Clinton. But, many of his 18-to-29 years old supporters could stay at home rather than vote Clinton. Cory Booker and first lady Michelle Obama declared undeniably their support for Hillary Clinton as the Democratic Party nominee for president Monday at the first day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. She said the presidency couldn’t be “boiled down to 140 characters” and that “you can’t have a thin skin”.

Liberal favorite Elizabeth Warren, senator from MA, and Sanders himself also did their part to bring along the Sanders’ fan, some of whom were in tears by the time the Vermont senator took the stage to shouts of “We love you, Bernie”. “Because as a true public servant, Hillary knows that this is so much bigger than her own desires and disappointments”, she said. “Civil disobedience is the cornerstone of Democratic values”, said Gabriel McArthur, a Sanders delegate from suburban Denver.

In early July, the Federal Bureau of Investigation lifted a looming legal threat to Clinton’s presidential campaign, deciding against pressing criminal charges for her handling of classified material in a private email account while serving as secretary of state.

The statement was signed by DNC leaders, though Wasserman Schultz’s name was notably absent. And in a critique of Trump’s campaign slogan, Obama said, “Don’t let anyone tell you that this country isn’t great”. “But I’m hoping that as the convention continues, we’ll come to a place of unity”.


To help soothe tensions over, Democrats say Senator Sanders will address the Texas delegation at a breakfast Wednesday morning.

Ohio delegates Cynthia Cox deBoutinkhar right cries as Former Democratic Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders I-Vt. speaks during the first day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Monday July 25