
DNA test shows Colorado inmate not Prince’s son

A DNA test has determined a Colorado prison inmate is not the son of the late music legend Prince, a source who was briefed on the test results told NBC News Wednesday. A spokeswoman for Bremer Trust, the court-appointed special administrator of Prince’s estate, did not immediately respond to a call for comment.


Prince was worth $300 million, according to various estimates, when he died in Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 21 at the age of 57.

The AP cited a person close to the case in reporting that testing showed Prince was not Williams’ father.

By the way, Williams’ mother, Marsha Henson, corroborated her son’s claims and filed an affidavit alleging she had unprotected sex with Prince at a Kansas City motel back in July of 1976. She declined repeated requests to elaborate.

Under Minnesota law, Prince’s sister, Tyka Nelson, several half-siblings, and a possible niece and grandniece now stand to inherit shares of the estate.

The judge in the case ordered Wednesday that the testing results be sealed “due to the confidential nature of the determination of heirship”.

That Williams didn’t decide to use Prince as a “get out of jail somehow” card until after the singer’s death made the claim seem very dubious to many. Before he went to prison, Williams was trying to launch a career as a hip-hop artist under the moniker Prince Dracula. “There isn’t much to say because it was never a thing”.


Meanwhile, would-be heirs have been coming forward, although Eide had set a deadline earlier this month for filing paternity and kinship claims. They would control his brand, including Prince’s NPG record label, thousands of unreleased songs and the contents of a vault the musician left behind.

A DNA test proved Prince is not the father of a Colorado prison inmate