
DNC 2016: Bill Clinton Makes Newspaper Front Pages Instead of Hillary

Sanders said. WATCH: “Vermont roll call and Bernie Sanders” motionBill Clinton delivered the night’s keynote speech, making his case for why Hillary should be elected not as a former president but as a supportive husband.


Also speaking: vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine, vice president Joe Biden and Clinton’s onetime rival and boss President Barack Obama.

After a tumultuous convention opening that saw Sanders and Clinton supporters trade jeers and chants, cheers erupted as Hillary Clinton passed the 2,382-delegate threshold needed for the nomination, setting up a showdown with Republican candidate Donald Trump in November.

The four-day confab in Philadelphia – the City of Brotherly Love – has so far been somewhat less than fraternal, with disappointed Sanders supporters periodically disrupting the proceedings with boos.

His motion was greeted with chants of “Bernie! Bernie!” But amid the cheering, it was also clear that many Sanders delegates weren’t on board – about 100 walked out of the Wells Fargo Center. “She knows what’s at stake in the decisions our government makes for the working family, the senior citizen, the small business owner, the soldier, and the veteran”, he said.

Inside, it was all about the Clintons.

While I acknowledge Clinton’s accomplishment, she doesn’t speak for me. “Until you’ve sat at that desk, you don’t know what it’s like to manage a global crisis or send young people to war”, he will say.

We can debate the merits of her policies, her record and her trustworthiness, but the sheer excitement we should feel as a country that we have finally seen a woman put a big ole crack in the highest glass ceiling isn’t up for debate.

He spoke of her work on behalf of poor children, African-American children kept out of schools and imprisoned with adults.

White House aides who briefed reporters on the speech said the focus would be on Clinton, and specifically her tenure as the nation’s top diplomat and qualifications for commander in chief, according to the Associated Press. Delegates rose in an emotional standing ovation for the mother of one of the victims in last month’s Orlando nightclub shooting, who asked why “commonsense” gun policies weren’t in place when her son died. By contrast, many eminent Republicans were absent from the party convention that nominated Trump for the White House last week. “In the spring of 1971, I met a girl”, he said.

She moved to the right as her party moved left. That will help elect Trump, just as liberals who voted for Green Party candidate Ralph Nader in 2000 helped elect George W. Bush.

Republicans’ deeply negative views of Clinton find a parallel in Democrats’ deeply negative views of Donald Trump, who rates an average of 11 on the scale, with about two-thirds of Democrats giving him a zero rating.

“Set aside the nuclear codes”. “Basic knowledge about the world or what a nuclear triad is or where various countries are or the difference between Sunni and Shia in the Muslim world”.

Trump declared Wednesday he has “nothing to do with Russian Federation”, but quickly went much further. He would take on Trump in the area where the NY real estate developer seeks to appeal to voters: his business acumen, said campaign chair Podesta. A billionaire businessman himself, Bloomberg took aim at Trump’s bankruptcies, reliance on foreign factories and other economic experience: “The richest thing about Donald Trump is his hypocrisy”.

“The minimum wage has to go up”, Trump said.


But he said states should have control over minimum wage, saying the cost of living varies too much by state to make a universal minimum wage feasible.

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