
DNC 2016: Wasserman Schultz heckled at Fla. breakfast

It’s unclear whether the fracas, which took place Monday morning – the first day of the event – will set the tone for the Democratic National Convention, which begins Monday evening and runs through Thursday. That message – and the endorsement of Sanders – has helped the political upstart raise a surprising $2.2 million through June 30, mostly through small donations, after refusing to take money from political action committees.


WikiLeaks leaked almost 20,000 emails on Friday from top Democratic National Committee officials, exchanged from January 2015 through May 2016.

Desperately seeking signs of Democratic Party unity, the White House said even angry supporters of Mr. Sanders will show that all Democrats love first lady Michelle Obama when she addresses the convention Monday night.

It was unclear whether the resignation Sunday of party chief Debbie Wasserman Schultz would be enough to unite the party behind Hillary Clinton.

Wasserman Schultz, who is from the Broward County city of Weston, has been a fixture in state Democratic politics for more than two decades and became chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee in 2011.

The superdelegates are party insiders – in some cases, members of Congress – and they like it the way it is.

According to party sources, Wasserman Schultz’s role at the party’s convention this week will be severely limited.

“To not be fair during this entire process, it’s kind of shameful”, delegate Sanjay Patel, a Sanders supporter from Brevard County said before she spoke at Florida delegation breakfast. “There’s not much they can do”, he said.

Several Florida delegates tell WOKV that their goal for the week is to highlight the commonalities between Sanders and Clinton supporters.

Many of the Sanders delegates are angered by the news that DNC staffers may have stacked the deck against their candidate in favor of Hillary Clinton.

Fealk said he viewed the emergence of hacked DNC emails, which suggested favoritism of Clinton, as a revelation and evidence of the party’s disrespect for progressives.

Upon her resignation, Wasserman Schultz said in a statement, as reported by Politico, that she knows “that electing Hillary Clinton as our next president is critical for America’s future” and that she looks “forward to serving as a surrogate for her campaign in Florida and across the country to ensure her victory”.

Wasserman Schultz had planned to be among those taking the stage, despite the email hacking controversy.

Schultz acknowledged the protesters in her speech.

She concluded her remarks, saying, “You will see me every day until November 8 on the campaign trail”.

Sanders delegates were rumored to be discussing their plan for the floor of the convention Monday morning.


Elizabeth Warren says the choice in the presidential election is clear, and she says Republican nominee Donald Trump “cares about himself every minute of every day”.

U.S. Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz and chair of the Democratic National Committee speaks to reporters in the spin room after watching tonight's democratic presidential debate at the Gaillard Center on January 17