
DNC apologizes to Bernie Sanders for ‘inexcusable remarks’ in emails

Clinton, the former secretary of state, has emerged as the victor of the Democratic presidential primaries defeating Senator Sanders from Virginia.


Bernie Sanders says the 200,000 leaked Democratic National Committee emails showing officials trying to undercut his campaign are an “outrage” and “sad” b but “do not come as “a great shock” to him”.

“Do you all think it’s worth highlighting for CNN that her term ends the day after the inauguration, when a new D.N.C. Chair is elected anyway?”Miranda wrote, to which Wasserman Schultz replied: “This is a silly story”. Wasserman Schultz was reportedly in Giffords’ hospital room when she first woke up. Hillary Rodham Clinton is pictured with Debbie Wasserman Schultz during a 2008 campaign event. “I think that she deserves our recognition as Floridians for a Floridian who has provided that kind of leadership to America”.

The Florida congresswoman has been the subject of intense criticism from Bernie Sanders supporters and other Democrats for her apparent favoritism toward Hillary Clinton during the party’s presidential primaries.

“The emails just proved what we believed to begin with”, Dora Bouboulis of Vermont told AFP as she marched in a Philadelphia demonstration.

No doubt that people like Trevor Noah, who earlier this year confronted Wasserman Schultz on how powerful superdelegates were in helping Clinton maintain her edge, would agree.

Chris Riker, a pro-Sanders delegate from Miami, said Florida delegates received an email that Wasserman Schultz would be speaking at the Monday breakfast. “The Dems convention is cracking up”, he taunted on Twitter.

Florida has 29 Electoral College delegates, which President Barack Obama carried in 2008 and 2012. “Michelle and I are grateful for her efforts, we know she will continue to serve our country as a member of Congress from Florida and she will always be our dear friend”.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz will not speak at next week’s Democratic National Convention after a massive email leak left the party accused of bias, according to a CNN report.


Mr. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, mocked the suggestion Monday morning. Social media channels also have been teeming with disgust toward the DNC and Wasserman Schultz specifically. “While she deserves thanks for her years of service, the party now needs new leadership that will open the doors of the party and welcome in working people and young people”, he added.

Emails released by Wikileaks raise questions of DNC's impartiality