
DNC apologizes to Sanders for leaked emails; his supporters protest in Philadelphia

Debbie Wasserman Schultz as the Democratic National Convention kicks off, indicating the controversy over the recent Democratic National Committee email leak is not going away anytime soon. She will gavel each session to order and will gavel each session closed, a role that had been expected to be held by Wasserman Schultz. The main exception was the email from Brad Marshall, the finance chief, which asserted that Sanders had “skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage” and that he may actually be an atheist.


“I don’t think she is qualified to be the chair of the DNC not only for these terrible emails, which revealed the prejudice of the DNC, but also because we need a party that reaches out to working people and young people, and I don’t think her leadership style is doing that”, Sanders told CNN’s Jake Tapper Sunday on “State of the Union”, on the eve of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

The revelations prompted runner-up Bernie Sanders to call for Wasserman Schultz’s resignation Sunday.

Her opponent in Florida’s August 30 congressional primary is Tim Canova, a Nova Southeastern University law professor who tweeted Monday that “DWS must be defeated in this election and removed from Congress”.

Wasserman Schultz is such a fixture in Florida politics that Canova is the first primary opponent she’s faced since being elected to the U.S. House in 2004. The campaign also accused Moscow of trying to meddle in the USA election and help Trump, who has said he might not necessarily defend North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies if they are attacked by Russian Federation.

During the primaries, he, as well as former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley _ the other Democratic candidate _ repeatedly criticized Wasserman Schultz, who had been a vocal supporter of Clinton during the 2008 presidential primary, for crafting a debate schedule that offered limited opportunities for lesser-known candidates to gain visibility. Clinton’s campaign quickly added more Sanders’ supporters to the speakers lineup. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., to quit as chairwoman immediately.

After a turbulent Republican convention that highlighted that party’s internal rifts, Democrats are eager to showcase a more unified front and positive vision for the country.

“We live in odd times and the only thing we can be sure of is that the unpredictable will happen”, Ceasar said.

After the DNC released a slightly trimmed list of superdelegates – those are the party officials who can back any candidate – it now takes 2,382 delegates to formally clinch the nomination.

Former Sen. Bob Graham vouched for Wasserman Schultz.

Her announcement that she was leaving had pro-Sanders supporters cheering during a demonstration in Philadelphia and Donald Trump crowing, too. The hacked DNC emails fed the suspicion of Sanders’ supporters and sapped Clinton’s campaign of some of its energy following a well-received rollout Saturday of her running mate, Virginia Sen. But in recent weeks – after the Trump campaign lifted an image from an alt-right feed with a six-point star and a pile of cash – Democrats, including Wasserman Schultz, have stepped up their focus on the issue of anti-Semitism. CNN will revisit the contract once Brazile concludes her role.


“Her fundraising and organizing skills were matched only by her passion, her commitment and her warmth”, the statement said. “We’ve worked hard as a movement”.

Sanders: 'Awful' DNC emails should cost party chair her job