
DNC apologizes to Sanders over emails

“I would have to see who presents the best argument”, said Todd, who did rule out voting for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in the fall.


Trump has defended Sanders, blasting the Democrats for treating his candidacy unfairly.

“This is the real world that we live in”, he said, following up his call to elect Clinton.

“Trump is a bully and a demagogue”, he said.

Trump waved away Republican disunity as essentially isolated pockets of resistance and made an apparent reference to US Senator Ted Cruz, who was booed off stage in Cleveland when he did not endorse Trump after losing to him in a bitter primary race.

The Clinton email scandal and the release of internal DNC emails favoring Clinton have fueled the protest against the convention by Sanders supporters. Inside the convention, a number booed when their candidate urged them to vote for Hillary Clinton.

However, he said, the election isn’t about Trump, Clinton or Sanders; nor about polls, gossip, or fundraising. Tim Kaine – a statement met with boos from his own supporters.

“And Hillary has insulted us!” one man said, a common jeer. “We have to bring the rest of them along”, he explained. “But to all of our supporters here and around the country, I hope you take enormous pride in the historic accomplishments that you have achieved”.

The crowd had erupted into chaos Monday afternoon earlier in the afternoon amid controversy over leaked emails from the Democratic party’s organizing committee. And Hillary Clinton, who championed the deal when she was secretary of state, has said she opposes the current proposal because of its potential impact on US workers. The uproar led to the forced resignation of party chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Yes, you can argue that Clinton has moved somewhat to the left to appeal to Sanders’ supporters. These comments to not reflect the values of the DNC or our steadfast commitment to neutrality during the nominating process. “I believe that Democrats are fired up to win the White House and take back the Senate”. It’s a spot he earned on campaign trail against Hillary Clinton.

“I think any grievance that someone feels is legitimate”.

Many Minnesota Sanders delegates attended that speech, skipping a scheduled welcome event for the state delegation on a restaurant-boat anchored on the Delaware River. He also will note the “most progressive platform in Democratic Party history” includes agreements he reached with Clinton to expand access to health care and make public college tuition-free for students from families with annual incomes up to $125,000 a year.

Thank you so much for your efforts on the campaign and your hard work to advance the political revolution. “It’s just more of the same”, she said. “Some of our nurses aren’t ready yet (to endorse Clinton)”.

Sanders will notably deliver the night’s closing address.

After the unity commission agreement, Sanders supporters seeking to pass amendments to abolish or curtail superdelegates opted against pursuing convention floor fights on the issue.


“The exact configuration of the protests are unclear but it is evident that a substantial majority of the polled survey delegates support participating”, Norman Solomon from the Bernie Delegates Network, a group representing two-thirds of Bernie Sanders’ nearly 2000 delegates, said.

Norman Solomon of Bernie Delegates Network