
DNC chairwoman quits after anti-Sanders emails leaked

Sanders says emails posted to the website Wikileaks prove what he has believed all along: that the party was backing his rival Hillary Clinton from the start.


Ivanka Trump introduced her father, Donald J. Trump, on the final night of the Republican National Convention, referencing his construction experience as credentials for the presidency.

Clinton celebrated Wasserman Schultz’s leadership in a statement released on Sunday. Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, will gavel each session to order and will gavel each session closed, a source told CBS News.

Former Congressman Barney Frank who is the co-chairman of the Rules Committee told Politico Wasserman Schultz “was never going to be the convention chairwoman”.

One of the leaked emails indicated a plan to exclude Sanders from a Democratic fundraiser.

“This really does not come as a shock to me or my supporters”.

But, in a sign of possible unity, he said that the revelations did not change his endorsement of Clinton and again vowed to help her defeat GOP nominee Donald Trump.

One email appears to show DNC staffers asking how they can reference Sanders’ faith to weaken him in the eyes of Southern voters. “I don’t think it’s coincidental that these emails were released on the eve of our convention here, and that’s disturbing”.

Schultz clearly sought to railroad Bernie Sanders out of the primary, according to the documents and emails revealed by Russian hackers (and published by Wikipedia).

Clinton and President Barack Obama both quickly praised the departed party chief, hoping to move past the ugliness and onto Monday’s launch of an optimistic celebration featuring high-powered elected officials and celebrities who will try to re-introduce Clinton to a general election audience.

The issue surfaced on Saturday at Clinton’s first campaign event with Tim Kaine as her running mate, when a protester was escorted out of Florida International University in Miami.

But Sanders repeatedly voiced frustration with a DNC and party establishment that he felt was stacked against him, and the resentment from Sanders and his supporters threatened to disrupt the convention. Sanders is a relative newcomer to the Democratic party and the DNC, having long served as an independent in the Senate.

“Would I have preferred to see someone like an Elizabeth Warren selected by Secretary Clinton? Yes, I would have”, Sanders said on NBC’s “Meet the Press”. He is more conservative than I am.

“Looks like the Bernie people will fight”, Trump tweeted on Sunday morning. “If not, their BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS was a total waste of time”.

“Everybody is disappointed that much of what we felt was happening at the DNC was in fact happening, that you had in this case a clear example of the DNC taking sides and looking to place negative information into the political process”, he said.


Sanders, first lady Michelle Obama and liberal firebrand Sen. It’s also important to note that, contrary to previous reports from CNN and others, Wasserman Schultz will still open and close the convention and speak to the delegates.

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